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運動後血壓下降是正常嗎? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 2011-11-8 08:28:43 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB |倒序瀏覽
本文章最後由 tooothache 於 2011-11-8 09:39 編輯

好像登出就看不到---11/02/2011 17:38     SBP121  DBP75  HP67
                                  11/ 02/2011 18:32    SBP105  DBP64  HP107


旁邊100公尺   走路約兩分鐘 就是陽明公園  跑了近50分 應該有9公里
再量一次 結果如上

心想  真好  
心情很好  果然有通血路功能

但是 上網google一下:

Is it normal for my blood pressure to drop after exercise?

General responses to selected questions from Joel Braunstein, MD, of Johns Hopkins University and Joseph Toscano, MD.


I am 6 foot tall and weigh 210 lbs. and have been exercising regularly for the past year. Oftentimes my blood pressure before exercise will read, for example, 145/89, but after exercise will read lower, such as 117/79. Is this normal? I feel great. Thanks for your help.


Normally, blood pressure increases from resting level with exercise. Based on criteria used for exercise treadmill tests, any decrease in blood pressure during exercise might be a sign of heart disease. The same is true, to a lesser extent, if there is a failure of the blood pressure to increase with exercise. Once exercise has stopped, blood pressure should return to resting levels and may even drop to slightly below pre-exercise levels for a while based on a number of factors, like any medications one might be taking, overall fitness level, and the type and duration of exercise.

The whole question of what your fall in blood pressure really means depends on its timing. If it occurs during exercise or soon after stopping, talk to your doctor about having some sort of stress test (an exercise treadmill test or a stress echocardiogram), because, even though you feel well, this could be a warning sign of early heart disease. It may not be, but the exercise testing will help sort this out. If your blood pressure increases with exercise, then gradually decreases to a lower than pre-exercise level after something like 10 minutes or more, this may be fine. If you are still concerned, then having a stress test to be sure would not be a waste, especially given your age and the fact that you are a male. If you have any risk factors for heart disease (smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood cholesterol levels, or close relatives with heart disease before age 45), then a treadmill test might be an even better idea.

An interesting related topic has to do with "recovery time," or the time it takes someone's heart rate to return to resting levels after peaking during exercise. Recovery time depends on several factors, the most important of which is a person's level of conditioning. For this reason, there doesn't seem to be much predictive value of a certain recovery time as far as heart disease goes. There is some information, however, that specific rates at which the heart rate falls after exercise can predict increased cardiac risk, though this seems to apply only to those who are already known to have heart disease. For example, in those known to have heart disease, studies have shown that if the heart rate falls by less than 13 beats per minute (BPM) in the first minute after stopping exercise (e.g., you peak at 150 and it doesn't get below 137 after one minute) or by less than 42 BPM after two minutes of stopping (e.g., you peak at 150 and don't get below 108 after two minutes), there is an increased risk of dying of the underlying heart disease.

天阿   我有心臟病了嗎?

不死心  又上網搜尋了一篇研究報告http://www.scielo.br/pdf/bjmbr/v31n10/2964c.pdf

分不同的運動激烈性(血氧含量30% 50% 80%)與運動完30/60/90分鐘內量心跳血壓
    30分鐘內有明顯血壓下降  -------
這時心情才略好  可是看到年青人的血壓是 七十幾到一百左右------突然想起當兵時血壓是60/90------
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發表於 2012-5-19 06:49:52 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
運動能降壓! 一次運動之後,人體血壓水準可下降一定幅度,並能保持22小時之久。 降壓幅度,根據國外有關機構的實驗研究,運動能使收縮壓降低4-9毫米汞柱,與減肥(減肥10公斤,將體重指數維持在18.5-24.9,可降低收縮壓5-20毫米汞柱)、蔬果與低脂飲食(可降低收縮壓8-14毫米汞柱)、限鹽(每天低於6克,可降低收縮壓4-9毫米汞柱)等一同列為防治高血壓的健康生活方式。因此,運動療法已成為藥物療法的一大幫手,高血壓患者不可小看哦。
1. 運動可改善植物神經功能,降低交感神經張力,減少兒茶酚胺的釋放量,或使人體對兒茶酚胺的敏感性下降。
2. 運動可提升胰島素受體的敏感性以及提高“好膽固醇”——高密度脂蛋白的水準,降低“壞膽固醇”——低密度脂蛋白的水準,減輕動脈粥樣硬化的程度。
3. 運動能鍛煉全身肌內,促使肌肉纖維增粗,血管口徑增大,管壁彈性增強,心、腦等器官的側枝迴圈開放,血流量增加,有利於血壓下降。
4. 運動能增加體內某些有益的化學物質濃度,如內啡肽、五羥色胺等,降低血漿腎素和醛固酮等有升壓作用的物質水準,使血壓下降。
5. 緊張或情緒激動是高血壓病的一大誘因,運動可穩定情緒,舒暢心情,使緊張、焦慮和激動的情緒得以緩解,有利於血壓穩定。
不是所有運動都有降壓之功, 步行、慢跑、騎車、游泳、慢節奏的交誼舞和體操等有氧運動才能擔此重任。以下幾項尤其值得推薦:
1. 走路。最簡單易行的降壓運動,但與普通走路不同,要求稍快。
2. 慢跑。運動量大於散步,適用于輕症患者。可讓最高心率達到每分鐘120-130次,長期堅持可使血壓平穩下降,脈搏平穩,消化功能增強,症狀減輕。慢跑速度宜慢,時間由少增多;每次以15-30分鐘為宜。
3. 騎自行車。一種能改善心肺功能的耐力性鍛煉。鍛煉時要保持正確的姿勢,調整好把手和自行車座的高度,兩腳的位置恰當,踩踏腳板用力均勻。每次30-60分鐘為宜,速度度中。
4. 太極拳。有研究表明長期練習太極拳的50-89歲老人,其血壓平均值為134/80毫米汞柱,明顯低於不打太極拳的同齡老人(154/82毫米汞柱)。
5. 瑜珈也有“異曲同工”之妙,尤其適宜于女性高血壓患者。
6. 水準運動。科學家通過試驗證明,現代人的高血壓可能與直立生活有關。人的一生中有三分之二的時間處於垂直狀態,而在大城市中的人竟達四分之三以上,平臥位的活動日益減少,久而久之,促使心血管因不勝負荷而影響血壓調節,成為血壓升高的禍根之一。因此,勤做水準運動將能有效地控制血壓,如游泳、爬行、仰臥位體操、手擦地板等。



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