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郭董一向是這樣-----郭董的霸氣 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2011-7-20 19:13:18 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
10# kevin
就是不知那個五股股東有沒有遮羞費可領.郭董還真是機器黑手出身的個性.公司這麼大了還不改其"志" 他真應該到廟裡找個大師來修行改改騾子個性.

使用道具 舉報

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發表於 2011-8-22 18:55:54 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
巴菲特小心!中國電動車發展凝滯不前 比亞迪前景渺茫
鉅亨網編譯李業德 綜合外電  2011-08-22  17:50 

《富比世》(Forbes) 文章指出,中國國家發改會 (NDRC) 處長李剛在 7 月期間厲詞指稱,中國電動車使用的是「垃圾技術」,根本「沒戲可唱」,中國政府高層對未來的環保汽車產業趨勢爭議不斷。


北京政府對電動汽車投資甚鉅,事實上國際間也屬中國對此投入精力資金最為龐大。例如去 (2010) 年。北京政府宣布投注 1000 億人民幣 (約 156 億美元),在 2020 年前,讓 2000 萬台環保車在中國開跑。然而在短短不到一年內,中國政府高層們就開始重新思考這分 10 年計畫,而關鍵詳細決議尚未公開。

現況就外國投資人看來是個災難,過去數年外資不斷湧入環保車市場,股神巴菲特 (Warren Buffett) 在 2008 年 9 月買下比亞迪 (00285-HK) 的 10% 股權,花費 2 億美元,轟動業界且打響公司 e6 純電動車款名氣。

然而從去 (2010) 年 3 月迄今,比亞迪只賣出共 53 輛 e6 電動車,更糟的是,這輛「未來車」的買家幾乎完全來自一間深圳的計程車行,由比亞迪控股 45%。比亞迪的插電式動力混合車 F3DM 表現比較不那麼悽慘,自從 2009 年 2 月開賣以來,共售出 365 輛。

現在深圳地區有 1107 輛電動車上路行駛,50 輛計程車、618 輛巴士,以及 439 輛私家車。相對比較之下,中國政府明年的計畫目標,是將電動車總量提升到 3.5 萬輛,包括 2.5 萬輛的私家車。

無疑這個目標數量將遭縮減,而接下來數年的展望,將完全由中央政府決策論定。自從去年 6 月起,民眾在指定城市內購買電動車,可享有政府最多 12 萬人民幣的補貼,但這種優惠部份將在明年告一段落。官媒《中國日報》指出:「未來的政策走向仍不明朗。」政策決議重要非常,因為消費者不會獨力購買價格遠超出傳統瓦斯車的電動車。

此外,中國政府開支已受經濟因素所囿,自從 2008 年的鉅額振興計畫以來,財政能力受到削弱,且每筆政府支出都將加重通貨膨脹壓力。中國想來將繼續推行環保車輛政策,但若想確實做出點名堂來,他們還需要投注比以往更龐大的資本。



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發表於 2011-8-22 18:56:29 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
24 February 2010 by Cullen Roche 57 Comments
Warren Buffett is the most glorified and respected investor of all time.  And rightfully so.  After all, he became the world’s wealthiest man by essentially picking stocks.  But Warren Buffett is also remarkably misunderstood by the general public.  I personally believe the myth of Warren Buffett is one of the greatest tricks ever played on the small investor.

To the average investor Buffett is a folksy frugal regular old chum who just has a knack for picking stocks.  You know, he just picks those “value stocks” and let’s them run, right?  Well, nothing could be farther from the truth and here we sit with an entire generation of investors fooled by the idea that value investing/buy and hold is the single greatest way to accumulate wealth.  With the poor results of the last ten years investors have finally started to challenge this thinking.

To a large extent, the myth of Buffett has fed an investment boom as a generation of American’s aspire to make their riches in the equity markets.  And who better to sell this idea than Wall Street itself?  After all, a quick investment in Bill Miller’s Value Trust or the great Peter Lynch’s Fidelity Magellan (now essentially defunct) will get you a near replica of the Warren Buffett approach to investing, right?   Not so fast.

Let me begin by saying that I have nothing but the utmost respect for Mr. Buffett.  When I was a young investor I printed every single one of his annual letters (including his Buffett Partnership letters which can be found here) and read them page by page.  It was and remains the single greatest education I have ever received.  I highly recommend it for anyone who hasn’t done so.  But in digging deeper I realized that Warren Buffett isn’t just this value stock picker that he is widely portrayed as.  What he has built is far more complex than that.

In reality, he formed one of the original hedge funds (The Buffett Partnership Ltd) and used his gains to one day purchase Berkshire Hathaway.  His evolution into the value investor we now think of today has been long in the making.   Make no mistake, Buffett is a hedge fund manager.  Yes, he comes from the ilk of the oft vilified and awful hedge fund clan. Today, he hides behind the curtain of incorporation, but in many ways Buffett hasn’t changed one bit since his Partnership days.

Buffett Partners is particularly interesting due to Buffett’s recent berating of hedge fund performance and fees.  Ironically, Buffett Partners charged 25% of profits over 6% in the fund.  This is how Buffett grew his wealth so quickly.  He was running a hedge fund no different than today’s funds.  And it wasn’t just some value fund.  Buffett often employed leverage and at times had his entire fund invested in just a few stocks.  One famous investment was his purchase of Dempster Mill in which Buffett actually pulled one of the first known activist hedge fund moves by installing his own management at the firm.  Buffett the activist hedge fund manager?  That’s right.  He was one of the first.  Don’t let the folksy charm fool you.  His venture to purchase Berkshire Hathaway was quite similar.

Buffett likes for you to think that he just picks up an SEC filing, makes a phone call and seals the deal before he purchases a stock (and Wall Street wants you to think this as well), but Buffett is far more savvy than he leads on.   This is exemplified by the complexity of Berkshire Hathaway.  Berkshire Hathaway isn’t just your average insurance company.  The brilliance behind Buffett’s investment in Berkshire is astounding.  He effectively used (and uses) Berkshire as the world’s largest option writing house.  The premiums and cash flow from his insurance business created dividends that he could invest in other businesses.  But Buffett wasn’t just buying Coca-Cola and Geico as many have been led to believe.  Buffett was placing some (short-term AND long-term) complex bets in derivatives markets, options markets, and bond markets.   The myth that Buffett is a pure value investor is just that.  And it has been fed to the public hook line and sinker by people who entirely fail to understand Buffett’s genius, but benefit from an investing pubic that continues to pour money into the “hold and hope” myth.

Berkshire has grown into one of the most complex financial businesses in the world. The investment portfolio he has become famous for is the equivalent of just about 25% of Berkshire’s market cap. His most famous holdings (Coke, American Express & Washington Post) account for roughly 10% of the total market cap. Interestingly, two of Buffett’s most famous investments weren’t traditional value picks at all, but distressed plays. His original investments in American Express and Geico occurred when both companies were teetering on the edge of insolvency.  These deals are more akin to what many modern day distressed debt hedge fund managers do – NOT what Bill Miller and other “value” players do.

Make no mistake – this folksy frugal regular old chum is a killer businessman.  Just look at the deal he struck with Goldman Sachs and GE in 2008.  He practically stepped on their throats, demanded high yielding preferreds and the results speak for themselves.  Of course, the deal was described by Buffett (all smiles of course) as a long-term value play.  Right.  If this same move had been achieved by a distressed debt hedge fund (which is a role Berkshire often plays) reporters would have described the fund manager as a thief who was attacking two great American corporations while they were down.  But not Buffett, so long as he smiles, talks about Cherry Coke and makes himself sound like a regular old chum the public just smiles and looks for the next Coca-cola with the hope that they will be the next Buffett.  Send your stock broker a check, Warren still believes in America!

The statistics behind Buffett’s success and wealth are another thing altogether. Warren Buffett is an outlier amongst outliers. Whether his investment decisions are that of genius or pure luck is something I’ll leave to the expert statisticians.  What is undeniable is the myth that any small investor can become the next Warren Buffett by employing the techniques of Graham and Dodd.  If only it were that easy.

Perhaps most interesting in the many myths of Buffett is his involvement in the bank bailouts.  Clearly, Buffett had an enormous amount at stake in the financial crisis.  Despite his repeated condemnation of derivatives, Buffett actually has a great deal at stake in the derivatives markets.  In addition to the Gen Re business and the billions in options he has written on index put options, Buffett’s own portfolio and insurance business were at the heart of the crisis.  I think it’s a stretch to say that the solvency of Berkshire was at risk in the Fall of 2008, but just imagine how things might have unfolded if Goldman Sachs had indeed failed?  The dominoes in Buffett’s portfolio and behind Berkshire would have started to tumble quite quickly.  Something makes me wonder if the lore of Buffett would have survived without government aid.

Not surprisingly, Buffett had a hand in the bailouts (but don’t let the mainstream media tell you that).  During the height of the credit crisis, Buffett sent Hank Paulson an interesting letter which I have attached.  The letter is priceless.  Not only does Buffett again take potshots at hedge fund managers (those bastards and their fees!), but he describes personal conversations with Bill Gross and Lloyd Blankfein about how they would all contribute to the bank bailout.  Of course, Buffett was talking his book.  He knew what was at stake.  But it all makes me wonder – was the great Warren Buffett bailed out?  Did genius nearly fail?  Or has the myth of Warren’s genius failed us all?  I have no idea, but what I am certain of is that the media’s misportrayal of Warren Buffett has been astounding and perhaps even damaging to the small investor.

Warren Buffett is a great American and a great investor, but do your homework before investing in the stock market with the idea that you will one day sit atop the throne of “world’s richest man”.  It just isn’t that easy despite what Wall Street will have you believe.


使用道具 舉報

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2013-1-9 15:17:24 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
富士康爆集體貪汙 高幹收押 郭董怒斬老臣
http://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E7%88% ... 7%A3-041914663.html



使用道具 舉報

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2013-1-9 18:18:56 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
http://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E9%B4% ... C%AF-075834625.html
作者: 曾如瑩、陳韻雯 | 商業周刊 – 2013年1月9日 下午3:58.
















答:蘋果是他(郭台銘)重要的客戶,夏普跟蘋果已經有很多合作,當然我想,我們群創在技術上也許比夏普有一點點差 但整體來講,絕對不會太差,這我有信心。







使用道具 舉報



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發表於 2017-1-23 09:01:36 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
本帖最後由 樂活族 於 2017-1-23 09:03 編輯


這傢伙 我越來越喜歡 懂得解決問題(不是製造問題)
希望他學川普轉行的精神 (別再說那行我不懂)

2017/01/23 08:48 時報資訊  

【時報記者林資傑台北報導】韓國三星電子傳對日本夏普求償,彌補因面板供應中斷蒙受的損失。鴻海 (2317) 董事長郭台銘對此表示,夏普僅是漲價、並未拒絕交貨,且對三星的交易是經過黑田電氣,對象也不該是夏普。他認為,此舉證明三星很在意夏普不供貨,代表夏普面板的品質是世界第一。












使用道具 舉報

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2017-1-23 10:59:30 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB

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