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![Rank: 9](static/image/cr180_dzx//star_level3.gif) ![Rank: 9](static/image/cr180_dzx//star_level3.gif) ![Rank: 9](static/image/cr180_dzx//star_level1.gif)
Once you have the general area, find·í§A¦³¤@¯ë¦a°Ï´M§ä
the right community in that area.ªÀ·|¦b³o¤@»â°ìªºÅv§Q.
The community is the social heart of your land.ªÀ°Ï¬OªÀ·|ªº¤ßŦ,§Aªº¤g¦a. It will set the tone for your personal relationships.¥¦±N¬°§AªºÓ¤HÃö«Y©w½Õ. This is true no matter how far out into the sticks you might choose to live.³o¬O¯uªº¤£ºÞ¨«¨ìªK§A¥i¯à¿ï¾Ü¦í. You will still buy things, go out to dinner and get involved in activities.§A·|¶RªF¦è,¥~¥X¦Y¶º©M±²¤J¬¡°Ê. This will be your identified hometown, so try it on before you buy.³o±N¬O§Aµo²{¬G¶m,©Ò¥H´N¦b§A¶R¸Õ¸Õ¬Ý. Here's how:³o¸Ìªº«ç»ò:
Explore an area first with your computer .º¦¸µo±¸±¿n»P§Aªº¹q¸£. Search for towns in the target area and check the real estate listings, economic research, local businesses, and the recreational and community activities.´M§ä¥Ø¼Ð°Ï«°Âí©Ð¦a²£¤W¥«Àˬd¡B¸gÀÙ¬ã¨s¡B¦a¤è°Ó¬É¡B¦Ó±d¼Ö¤ÎªÀ°Ï¬¡°Ê. You can get a pretty good feel for an area with an hour of time on the Internet.§A¥i¥H·P¨ü¸Ó¦a°Ï¦³¤£¿ùªº¤@Ó¤p®É®É¶¡¤Wºô. Try Google and type in a town name and state abbreviation.¨¦ºq¨Ã¹Á¸Õ¦b¤@Ó«°¥««¬ªº°ê®a¦WºÙ¡BÁY¼g. Also see the maps section.¤S¬Ý¨ì¤@¬q¦a¹Ï.
Get a detailed local map with topography lines (sporting goods or hardware stores will have these).±o¨ì¤F¸Ô²Óªº¦a¹Ï»P·í¦a¦a§Î½u(©ÎÅé¨|¥Î«~°Ó©±±N³o¨Çµw¥ó). When you first come into an area get a general feel for the landscape.·í§A²Ä¤@¦¸¶i¤J¤@Ó¦a°Ï±o¨ì´¶¹M·P¨ü¨ì´ºÆ[. Determine the shape of the terrain and how the watershed flows.½T©w§Îª¬¦a§Î¦p¦ó¤À¤ôÀ¬y¦V. Get your compass out and orient yourself.ªF¤è«ü«n°w¡B¦Û¤v§ä¥X¨Ó. How does the sun move across this area?¦p¦ó¸ó¶V³o¤@»â°ìªº¤Ó¶§? Where will the sun go down.þ¸Ì¤Ó¶§¨«§C. Where will the morning light hit?¦¤W»´À»¤¤¦ó³B?
Immerse yourself in the history and character of the place .¨I®û¦b¦Û¤vªº¾ú¥v©M¦a¤è¯S¦â. Try to think like a local.·Q·Q¹³Ó·í¦a. Go to a school board meeting, volunteer for a day at a community service organization, go to a yard sale or local theater production.¥h¾Ç®Õ¸³¨Æ·|·|ij¬°´Á¤@¤Ñ,¦b¤@ÓªÀ°Ï§ÓÄ@ªÌªA°È²Õ´¨ì¤F¦a¤è¾Ô°Ï¥Í²£¾P°â©Î°|¤l. Step into the flow of the community.¨«¶i¬y°ÊªºªÀ·|.
Start by having breakfast at the most local eatery you can find, buy the local paper and walk around town.º¥ý¦b³Ì¨ã¦³¦À\§A¥i¥H§ä¨ì·í¦aÀ\¶¼¡B¶R·í¦a³ø¯È©M¹CÄý«°¥«. Be open and friendly to the folks you see.¶}©ñ¤Í¦nªº¶m¿Ë§r. Ask about their yards or pets and get a feel for the community.°Ý°_¥L̪ºÃdª«©Î°ï³õ©M·P¨üªÀ·|.
Use a Real Estate Agent as a consultant .¨Ï¥Î©Ð¦a²£¸g¬ö¤H¾á¥ôÅU°Ý. They won't know they're doing free consulting, of course, but ask them to mark your map up with the things you need to know about the area.¥L̤£·|ª¾¹D½¨§K¶O¿Ô¸ß,·íµM¦ýn¨D¥L̦P°¨§J¹Ï§AªºªF¦è,§A¥²¶·¤F¸Ñªº½d³ò. Ask them to locate the sewage treatment plant, the sportsman's firing range, the local airport, pig farm or other noisy or stinky potential neighbor.°Ý¥LÌ´M§äªº¦Ã¤ô³B²z¼t,¹B°Êûªº¹v³õ,·í¦a¾÷³õ½Þ³õ©Î¨ä¥¦¹ËÂø©Î¼ç¦b¯ä¾F¨¹. Where are most new houses being built?³Ì·s©Ð¤l«Ø¦bþ¸Ì? Why do people sell their houses and move away?¬°¤°»ò¦³¤H¥X°â©Ð¤l,·h¨«? You get the idea...§Aªº·Qªk:: Tell them you'll be back after your gotten a feel for the community.§i¶D§A,§A«ç»ò·|¦b¦^¨Óªº·Pı¤F. This is actually a good way to find an agent you want to work with.¨ä¹ê,³o¬O¤@ºØ«Ü¦nªº¤è¦¡§ä¨ì§A·Qn¥N²z¤H¤u§@.
Drive for a few miles in each direction out of town .¤@³s´X^¨½¶Ç°Ê¨CÓ¤è¦V¥X«°. How are people making a living?¤H̦p¦ó¿Ñ¥Í? What are they building?¥L̦³¤°»ò«Ø³]? What does the land feel like?³ßÅw¤°»ò¤g¦a? Note your impressions on the map as you go.¦a¹Ï»¡©ú§Aªº·P·Q,§A¨«.
Find a community with character - Many communities close to cities are in the process of becoming suburbanized.§ä¨ì»PªÀ°Ï«~½è±µªñ³\¦hªÀ°Ï¥¿¦b¦¨¬°«°¥«¥°Ï¤Æ. You will find strip developments of franchise shops and housing plats spilling out over the edge of town.§A·|µo²{±aµo®i±MÀ穱©M¦í©Ð¾ðºØ¬ªÅS¥X«°¥«ªºÃä½t. These places are losing their character to "Generica" - that mythological location where everything is dominated by mass-market mechandising and you have no idea what state you are in. Further out are other options:³o¨Ç¦a¤è³£¥¢¥h¯S¦â"generica"--³o¤@¤Á³£¬O¥Ñ¦a¤è¯«¸Ü¶Ç¸Ë¸m§Þ³Nû¡B¥«³õ§A¤£ª¾¹D§A¨³Bªº°ê®a¥¿¦b¶i¤@¨B¶i¦æ¨ä¥¦¿ï¾Ü:
Older towns that once had wealth - These ex-mining, timber, railroad or oil towns were passed over by the big postwar build-up.¦Ñ«°Âí,´¿¸g°]´I¤K¨Õ¦ñ±ÄÄq¡B¤ì§÷¡B³q¹LÅK¸ô©Î¥Ûªo«°¥Ñ¤j¾Ô«á¿n»E. During their more recent past they've lost population to other towns and now have handsome older buildings that are underused.¥Ļó¦b³Ìªñ¿éµ¹¨ä¥L«°Âí¤H¤f,²{¦b¤w¬O«ؿvª«³£³Q^«T. These are the towns that are being discovered first, especially if they are in spectacular natural scenery or have nearby recreational activities.³o¨Ç³£¬O«°Âí,µo²{²Ä¤@¤×¨ä¬O¦b§§Æ[ªº¦ÛµM·¥ú,©Î´Nªñ¥ð¶¢¬¡°Ê. Some Western mining towns such as Aspen, Colorado have already become fully developed and are too expensive to be considered by most people looking for land.¤@¨Ç¦è¤èÄq·~«°Âí,¦pªü´µ¬ìù©Ô¦h¦{¤w¸g¦¨¬°µo¹F¡B¤Ó¶Qn¦Ò¼{¤j¦h¼Æ¤H§ä¤g¦a. (If you like mountain towns like this, consider two other places I've liked. They are three and four notches lower down the development cycle - Leadville and Fairplay, CO.)(¦pªG§A³ßÅw³o¼Ëªº¤s«°,§Ú³ßÅw¦Ò¼{¨ä¥L¨âÓ¦WÃB.¥L̤T¡B¥|ӯʤf°§C¶}µo¶g´ÁµÜ¼wºûº¸¦X²z¨¤«×¨Ó¬Ý,ªÑ¥÷¦³¤½¥q)
Natural resource base communities - These are the towns that weren't as blessed or forgotten as the communities above.¦ÛµM¸ê·½°ò¦ªºªÀ°Ï-³o¨Ç«°Âí³Q¿ò§Ñ©Î¤£§@¬°¬°ªÀ°Ï¦³ºÖ¥H¤W. Many of these towns have to deal with a kind of rural depression as the old ways of making a living become less viable.³\¦h³o¨Ç«°Âí¥²¶·³B²z§@¬°¤@ºØ§íÆ{¹A§øªºÂ¤èªk§@¥Í¬¡Åܱo¤£¤Ó¥i¦æ. You will see this in communities with an economic base of timber, fishing, mining and certain types of farming or manufacturing.§A̱N¬Ý¨ì¦b³oÓªÀ°Ïªº¸gÀÙ°ò¦¤ì§÷¡Bº®·~¬Y¨ÇÃþ«¬ªº¹A·~©M±ÄÄq©Î»s³y·~. Don't assume these places are not right for you.¤£n¥H¬°³o¨Ç¦a¤è¤£¾A¦X§A. Many such towns are reinventing themselves and are very dynamic places to live.³\¦h«°Âí¬O«¶ì¦Û¤v©M¥Í¬¡³£¥Rº¡¬¡¤Oªº¦a¤è. Bring your imagination though as you will have to look beyond a initial layer of grime ¡X think of it as a "patina".ÁöµM§A±a¨Ó·Q¹³§A·|¦³¤@ºØ¶W¶V³Ìªì¼hªº¦Ã¿B--·Q¨ì¥¦§@¬°"©Ü¤W".
Recreational or tourist centers - These towns will usually have a definable local character and a large service base to the economy.¥ð¶¢©Î®È¹C´ºÂI-«°Âí³q±`¦³©ú½Tªº¦a¤è¯SÂI,¨Ã¦³¤j¶qªº¸gÀÙ°ò¦ªA°È. Some will have a real heart and others will just be a false front full of seasonal workers.¦³¨Ç¤H·|¦³¯u¥¿ªº¤ß¥u¬O¤@Ó°²¶H¥Rº¡©u¸`¤u¤H. If you find one that you like, make sure you get to know some year-round residents and how the community looks through their eyes.¦pªG§A§ä¨ì¤@Ó§A³ßÅwÅý§Aµ²ÃѤ@¨Ç¥þ¦~©~¥Á©MªÀ°Ï¦p¦ó³q¹L¥L̪º²´·ú¬Ý. When you live here (even seasonally) you will soon be avoiding many of the tourist spots.·í§A¦í¦b³o¸Ì(¬Æ¦Ü©u¸`©Ê)§A«Ü§Ö´N·|ÁקK³\¦hªº®È¹C´ºÂI.
Whatever the economy, look for communities that are finding creative ways to involve people in the local action.µL½×¸gÀÙ¡B§ä´MªÀ°Ï,´M§ä³Ð³y©Êªº¤è¦¡,Åý¥Á²³¦b·í¦a¦æ°Ê. Here's a short list of questions to check out:³o¸Ìªºµu´Á°ÝÃD²M³æÀˬd:
Where is the life and vitality in this town?¨º¸Ì¬O³oÓ«°¥«ªº¥Í¾÷»P¬¡¤O?
How do the locals feel about newcomers?·í¦a¤H¹ï·s¤H«ç¼Ë?
Are there many different types of people here or is everyone pretty similar?¦³³\¦h¤£¦PÃþ«¬ªº¤H³£¤j¦P¤p²§,³o¸ÌÁÙ¬O?
Is there a defined political character to the place or a set of unwritten community rules?¦³©ú½Tªº¬Fªv«~®æ¦a¤èªÀ°Ï©Î¤@®M¤£¦¨¤åªº³W«h?
How many economic classes are there and how do they get along?¸gÀÙÃþ¦³¦h¤Ö¥LÌn¦p¦ó¬Û³B?
What will this place look like in ten years?¤°»ò¼Ë¤l¦b³oÓ¦a¤è¤Q¦~?
What would it be like to grow up here?¨s³º¬O§_³ßÅw³o¸Ìªø¤j? What would a kid feel like living here?¤°»ò¤p®ÉÔ³ßÅw¦í¦b³o¸Ì¶Ü?
The community that is right for you will have a specific mix of comfort and challenge that makes you feel most alive.ªÀ·|¬O³o¼Ë,§A±N¦³¨ãÅ骺·f°t,Åý§A·PıµÎ¾A»P¬D¾Ô¦h¼Æ¬¡µÛ. We all need a place that is welcoming and secure so we can feel connected and safe.§Ú̳£»Ýn¤@Ó¦a¤è´N¬O¦p¦¹ªºÅwªï,¨ÃÀò±o§ÚÌ©Ò¯à·P¨ü¨ì³s³q¤Î¦w¥þ. Yet, if the place is too perfect or too comfortable, we won't really have anything to do.¦ý¬O,¦pªG¦a¤è¹L©ó§¹¬ü©Î¤ÓµÎªA,§Ṳ́£·|¯uªºµLÃö. Ask a recent retiree, pure leisure gets old fast.½Ð°Ý³Ìªñ°h¥ðªÌ,¯Â¥ð¶¢¦~¦Ñ§Ö. The community that is right for you will have something you need to do there.ªÀ·|¬O³o¼Ë,§A¹ï§A¯à¦³©Òn°µ.
Once you find the right community, evaluate the infrastructure that you'll need.¤@¥¹§A§ä¨ì¥¿½TªºªÀ·|µû»ùªº°ò¦,±zªº»Ýn. This may include schools, libraries, medical and dental facilities, shops & stores, building suppliers, theaters and entertainment.³o¥i¯à¥]¬A¾Ç®Õ¡B¹Ï®ÑÀ]¡BÂåÀø©M¤ú¬ì³]³Æ,°Ó©±»P°Ó©±¡B«Ø¿v¨ÑÀ³¡B¼v¼@°|©M®T¼Ö³õ©Ò. Also check out the services your home and land with use such as oil, gas, electricity, cable, phone, Internet providers, and legal and business services.¤]¬Ý¬Ý§A®aªºªA°È,¦p¤g¦a¨Ï¥Î¥Ûªo¡B¤ÑµM®ð¡B¹q¤O¡B¦³½u¹qµø¡B¹q¸Ü¡B¦]¯SºôªA°È´£¨Ñ°Ó¡Bªk«ß¤Î°Ó·~ªA°È. Get a copy of the local phone book and make a few calls to determine the choices you have.±o¨ì¤@¥÷·í¦a¹q¸Ü¤Î§@´XÂI©IÆ~®Ñ,½T©w§A¿ï¾Ü.
If you need employment in the community, check on opportunities in your field or areas of interest.¦pªG§A»Ýn¦bªÀ°Ï´N·~,©Î¹ê¦aÀˬdªº¾÷·|§A·P¿³½ìªº»â°ì. Ask those who are doing similar work how busy they are and who might need skills such as yours.°Ý¨º¨Ç±q¨ÆÃþ¦ü¤u§@¦h»òÁc¦£,¥LÌ¥i¯à»Ýnªº§Þ¯à,¦p§A |