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¥´³y2home ®çªá·½ªº¨BÆJ [½Æ»sÃì±µ]



Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

±qºô¸ô¤W§ä¨ìªº¤@¨Ç°ê¥~ªº¸ê®Æ,¦³Ãö¥´³y2home ®çªá·½ªº¨BÆJ,ÆZ­È±o°Ñ¦Òªº,ª½±µ¥Îgoogle ½Ķ,¤¤¤å¥i¯à¦³ÂI©Ç©Çªº


Outline of Steps:·§­n¨BÆJ:

Find the area, region or landscape that most energizes you.´M§ä¦a°Ï´ºÆ[,¤j³¡¤À¦a°Ï©Îª`¤J§A.

Find a community within that area that combines feelings of stimulation and connectedness.¦b³o¤è­±§ä¨ì¤@­Óµ²¦XªÀ°Ïªº·P±¡¨ë¿E©M³s³q.

Locate the right property in or near your chosen community.§ä­ã§A¿ï¾ÜªÀ°Ï©Îªþªñªº°]²£.

Get to know your chosen property and its immediate area.µ²ÃѧA¥ß§Y¬D¿ï°]²£¤Î¨ä­±¿n.

Develop a vision of what you want to do with this property.µo®i»·´º§A­Ì·Q°µ³o¶µ°]²£.

Buy the property for the right terms and price.¶R¤J»ù©M°]²£Åv§Qªº±ø´Ú.

Develop a long-term building plan for the house, landscaping and outbuildings.¨î©wªø»·«Ø³]³W¹º°|¡B¬ü¤Æ©M°]²£µ|.

Build the first phase building and move onto your land.²Ä¤@¶¥¬qªº«Ø³]©M«Ø¥ß§A¨«³°¸ô.

Develop and modify your homestead development plan and its self-supporting income base.¨î©w©M­×§ï±z¥K¹Fµo®i­p¹º¤Î¨ä¦Ûµ¹¦¬¤J°ò¼Æ.

¨Ï¥Î¹D¨ã Á|³ø



Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

µoªí©ó 2007-2-25 18:41:29 |¥u¬Ý¸Ó§@ªÌ.....¸ü¤J¥þ³¡¹Ï¤ù ¥ÎLINE¶Ç°e . ¤À¨É¨ìFB

This has to do with climate, landscape³o«Ü¥i¯à»P®ð­Ô´ºÆ[
and your natural environment.©M¶Q¦ÛµMÀô¹Ò.


Start with maps and demographics: If you¡¦re looking for a weekend getaway, consider drawing a circle on the map with your present location as the center and the radius equal to the distance (or time) you¡¦re willing to travel.±q¦a¹Ï©M¤H¤f²Î­p:¦pªG§A­n§äªº¬O¶g¥½°k¨«,¦Ò¼{¦b¦a¹Ï¤Wµe¤F¤@°é§A²{¦bªº¦ì¸m¬°¤¤¤ß,¥b®|¬Ûµ¥ªº¶ZÂ÷(©Î®É¶¡)§AÄ@·N®È¦æ. Explore communities within that travel circle.±´¯ÁªÀ°Ï®È¦æ´`Àô.
For retirement or a move to a new location explore your options here:°h¥ð©Î¾E©¹·s¦aÂIµo±¸§A¿ï¾Ü³o¸Ì:

Real estate search and community information ¡X start with these:©Ð¦a²£¤ÎªÀ°Ï·j¯Á«H®§¥ý±q³o¨Ç:

1.1. " CNN/Money best places to live " ¡XThis site has a large city and town database with information about cost of living (house prices, taxes, income), climate, culture, health, and environment. Includes a five star user ranking system for each town. Check out the advanced search where you can look for towns with a specific climate, crime rating, and housing prices."¦³½u/¿ú³Ì¦n¦í±J"³o­Óºô¯¸¤w»P¤j«¬¼Æ¾Ú®wªº¸ê®Æ«°Âí¥Í¬¡¶O¥Î(©Ð»ù¡Bµ|¦¬¡B¦¬¤J)¡B®ð­Ô¡B¤å¤Æ¡B½Ã¥Í¡BÀô¹Òµ¥.¤­¬P±Æ¦W¨t²Î¥]§t¨C­Ó¥Î¤á·mÁʤ@ªÅ.¬Ý¬Ý§A­Ì¨º¸Ì¯à§ä°ª¯Å·j¯Á¯S©w®ð­Ô¤¤¤ß«°Âí¡B¥Ç¸oµ¥¯Å¡B©Ð»ù. You will be amazed at how much difference there is in different areas of the country.§A·|Åå³Y¦³¦h¤j°Ï§O¤£¦P¦a°Ï. Here's helpful information for workers: Wages, unemployment & layoffs.³o¸Ìªº«H®§¦³§U©ó¾¤u:¤u¸ê¡B¥¢·~¤Îµô­û.

2.2. " Sperling's Best Places " ¡XA site where you can compare areas using a search form they provide. Do a demographic and price trend analysis of any US neighborhood by zip code. This also has a similar search feature as the Money site for f inding the right climate, jobs, schools or cost of living."Sperling¥ô°Èªº³Ì¨Î³õ©Ò"--¤ô«°¦a°Ï§A¥i¥H¨Ï¥Î¤ñ¸û·j¯Á§Î¦¡´£¨Ñ.§ì¤H¤f©Mª«»ù¨«¶Õ¤ÀªR¬ü°êªº¥ô¦óµó¹Dªº¶l½s.³o¤]¦³Ãþ¦ü¯S¼xªº³f¹ô·j¯Á¦aÂI¤»¶¥­¼Åv®ð­Ô¡B´N·~¡B¾Ç®Õ©Î¥Í¬¡¶O¥Î.

3.3. " Realtor.com house search " ¡XUse this form to input a city or zip code, the type of house and the price range you are interested in. In a few moments the database will come back with listings, and usually pictures of the houses that match your criteria. There are amazing differences in housing prices ¡X consider a search for a standard three bedroom, two bath house in Coastal Texas , vs NW Arizona ."realtor.com®a·j¯Á"¥Î³oºØ¤è¦¡¨Ó§ë¤J«°¥«©Î¶l½s¡B©Ð¤lªººØÃþ©M»ù®æ½d³ò,§A·P¿³½ìªº°ÝÃD.¼Æ¾Ú®w±N¦b´X¤ÀÄÁ¨ì¦^¨Ó¤W¥«»P³q±`ªº·Ó¤ù,°t¦X§Aªº©Ð¤l¼Ð·Ç.¦³Åå¤Hªº®t²§©Ð»ù-¼fij·j´M¼Ð·Ç¤T­Óª×«Ç,¨â­Ó¾þ°ó¤l¼w¦{¡B¨È§Q®á¨º¦{»P¥_. (Note: this search engine can also be used to find raw land, farms, mobile homes and apartments.)(ª`:¥»·j¯Á¤ÞÀº¥i¥H³Q¥Î¨Ó´M§ä¥Í¦a¡B¹A³õ¡B¬y°Ê©Ð«Î©M¤½´J).

Map Links ¡X Nothing is changing faster:¦a¹Ï³q--¤Ñ©³¤U¨S¦³ÅܤƧÖ:
¡X Google Maps (one of the best) Once you find a location click the "satellite" and "hybrid" buttons in the upper right to see the topography.-¨¦ºq¦a¹Ï(¼Æ¤@¼Æ¤G)¥u­n§A§ä¨ì¤@­Ó¦ì¸m,ÂIÀ»"½Ã¬P"©M"²V¦X"«ö¶s¤WÅv¨£¦a§Î.
¡X Google Earth - take a tour of our favorite planet!-¨¦ºq¦a²y±Ä¨ú°ÑÆ[§Ú­Ìªº¬P²y³Ì·R! In two years this will be a fantastic video game/travel tool.³o±N¬O¨â¦~¤ºÂ÷©_¹CÀ¸¾÷/®È¦æ¤u¨ã. Load this free download onto your computer only if you have a broadband Internet connection and a modern fast computer.§K¶O¤U¸ü¨ì§Aªº¹q¸£­t²ü³o¥u¬O§A¦³¼e±a¤Wºô¡B²{¥N­pºâ¾÷§Ö. Amazing!¤F¤£°_!
¡X Delorme Maps (look at the atlas for your state)-Delorme¤ó¦a¹Ï(¬Ý¬Ý§A­Ì°ê®a¦a¹Ï¶°)
¡X Try MapQuest where you can put in an zip code or town name and zoom up or down.-mapquest¸Õ¹Ï¦b¨º¸Ì§A¥i¥H§â¤@­Ó«°¥«ªº¦WºÙ©M¶l½sÅܵJ©Î¼W´î.
¡X Topographic picture maps and other state information.-¦a§Î¹Ï¡B¦a¹Ïµ¥°ê®a«H®§.
¡X Outline Maps for marking up with your plans.-¤À°Ï¦a¹Ï¼ÐÃÑ¥X§Aªº­p¹º. Also some good climate maps.ÁÙ¦³¨Ç¤Ñ¤½¦a¹Ï.
¡X USGS topographic map viewer (you can call: 1-800-USA-MAPS)-¦a½è´ú¶q¦a§Î¹ÏÆ[²³(§A¥i¥H¹q¸Ü:1-800-¬ü°ê-¦a¹Ï)
¡X TerraServer Interactive maps allow you to zoom in and print topo and aerial views-terraserver¤¬°ÊÅܵJÅý§A¦b¦a¹Ï¦L¨ê¡B©Ý¼³»PªÅ¤¤·N¨£
¡X US Forest Service maps-¬ü°ê´ËªLªA°È¦a¹Ï
¡X Get a good road atlas for getting around (Rand McNally atlases are available everywhere)-¦³­Ó¦n¹D¸ô¬°³WÁ׹϶°(Äõ¼wMcNally¤¶²Ð¦a¹Ï¶°ÂÐ¥»¨ì³B)
Right brain ways of finding out what land is best for you.¥k¸£¦p¦ó§ä¥X³Ì¾A¦X§A¤°»ò¦a. Note: this may be a little "new age spacey" for some.ª`:³o¥i¯à¬O¦³ÂI"·s®É¥N¬¥ÄR¶ð"³¡¤À. Skip this if you already know where you're headed.¦pªG§A¤w¸g¸õ¹L³o­Ó§Aª¾¹D¹Îªø. But remember, the vitally important choices in life: career, spouse and where to live, should never be trusted to just the logical mind.¦ý½Ð°O¦í,¦b¤H¥Íªº­«­n¿ï¾Ü:¥Í²P¤¤,°t°¸©M¨º¸Ì©~¦í,µ´¤£¯à¥u«H¿àÅÞ¿èÀY¸£.

Do you have a particularly memorable fragrance?§A¦³¤°»ò¯S§O­È±oÃh©ÀªºÄÉ­»? Perhaps it was pinon pine, eucalyptus, or magnolia, or maybe the smell of salt spray, turned soil or the damp woods.©Î³\¥¿¬Oµw¾¦­±§ü¾ð¡BÑÛ¾ð¡B¥ÉÄõ©ÎÁÙ¬O¨ý¹DÆQÃú¡B¨Ï¤gÄ[¼éÀã©Î¾ðªL. Each of these smells come from a specific type of environment.¨C­Ó³o¨Ç®ð¨ý¨Ó¦Û¯S©wÃþ«¬ªºÀô¹Ò. Look in that environment.¦b³oºØÀô¹Ò¤¤´M§ä.
Research places where you can imagine yourself living.¬ã¨s¦Û¤v©~¦íªº¦a¤è,§A¥i¥H·Q¹³. Spend a day at the library and look for picture or travel books on the area.ªá¤F¤@¤Ñªº¹Ï®ÑÀ]§ä¹Ï¤ù¡B®ÑÄy©Î¦a°Ï®È¦æ. Check the current weather .³o¦¸Àˬdªº¤Ñ®ð. Find out the length of the winter and when the first planting day of spring is.¬d§äªø«×¥V©uºØ´Óªº²Ä¤@¤Ñ,·í¬K. What types of crops, trees and landscape plants grow there?¤°»ò§@ª«,ºØ´Ó¾ð¤ì¡B¶éªL´Óª«? A good gardening book for the area will tell you much about climate, weather and soil.¨}¦nªº°Ï¶éÃÀ®Ñ·|§i¶D§A¤°»ò®ð­Ô¡B¤gÄ[©M®ð­Ô. Even if you won't be gardening this can tell you much about a place.§Y¨Ï§A¤£·|®â³o­Ó¥i¥H§i¶D§A¤°»ò¦a¤è.
Mentally put yourself into the place you are thinking of living.¤ß´¼§â¦Û¤v©~¦íªº¦a¤è,§Aªº¤ß«ä. Go through each of the seasons and think about a normal day¡¦s activities.¸g¹L«ä¦Ò,¨C­Ó©u¸`¨C¤Ñ¥¿±`ªº¬¡°Ê. What are you doing?§A­Ì¦b·F¤°»ò? What do you see when you look out the window?§A­Ì¬Ý,·í§A±À¶}µ¡¤á¬Ý? What does it feel like?¤°»ò·P¨ü©O?
Those areas that still seem attractive after your research should be on your short list of places to visit.³o¨Ç»â°ìªº¬ã¨s,¦ü¥G¤´µM¨ã¦³§l¤Þ¤O¤§«á§AÀ³¸Ó´N§Aµu¦W³æ¦a¤è¦Ò¹î. Go there and immerse yourself in the land and the people who live there.¨ì¨º®û¦b¦Û¤vªº¤g¦a©M¤H. The right place will feel right ¡X you will be more alive, more clear headed and perhaps feel lighter.¨ì¦ì·P¨ì¥k§A·|§ó¬¡,§ó²M¿ôªºÀY¸£,¤]³\·P¨ì»´ÃP. Colors will be more vivid and people will be more attractive.¦â±m±N§ó¥[¥Í°Ê©M¤H¥Á±N§ó¨ã§l¤Þ¤O. The place will have a ring of authenticity.¦aÂI·|¦³¥úÀô¯u¹ê©Ê. While there...ÁöµM::

Find out how the local native people lived.§ä¥X·í¦a¤gµÛ¤H©~¦í. What did they eat, what did they build for shelter, and what did they use for medicine?«ç»ò¦Y,¨s³º«Ø¦í©Ð,·í®É¥L­Ì¨Ï¥ÎªºÃĶÜ? Were they a high culture that spent much time on art and rituals, or were they more engaged with day to day survival?°ª¤å»¡,¥L­Ìªá¤F«Ü¦h®É¶¡¦bÃÀ³N©M§»ö¡B§í©Î¥L­Ì±q¨Æ§ó¦h»P¤é±`¥Í¦s? This is the baseline for living off the land.³o¬O©³½u,¥Í¬¡¹Lªº¤g¦a.
Consider what living there will mean in terms of cost of living.·Q·Q¦í¦b¨º¸Ì±N·N¨ýµÛ±q¥Í¬¡¶O. Do you envision a simple life or are you expecting to have a similar or more expensive lifestyle than you have now?§A·Q¹³ªºÂ²³æ¥Í¬¡ÁÙ¬O§A´Á«Ý¦³Ãþ¦ü©Î§ó©ù¶Q,¤ñ§Aªº¥Í¬¡¤è¦¡²{¦b©O? What will your money needs be and can they be met in this location?½Ð°Ý±z»Ý­n¿ú,¯à¤£¯àº¡¨¬³o¤@¦aÂI? What will your initial needs be?½Ð°Ý±z³Ìªì»Ý­n? What do you need to get set up here (what clothes, vehicles, tools, etc)?±z»Ý­n§ä¶}·~(¤°»ò¦çªA¡B¨®½ø¡B¤u¨ãµ¥)?
As you visit an area your vision of living there will evolve ¡X especially as you interact with the communities in the area.§Aªº³X°Ý§A¹ï©~¦í­±¿n±NºtÅܤרä§A¤¬°ÊªÀ°Ï¦b¸Ó°Ï. Check these out with the Next link below.³o¨ÇÀˬd¥X§C©ó¤U¤@Àô¸`.

¨Ï¥Î¹D¨ã Á|³ø



Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

µoªí©ó 2007-2-25 18:45:51 |¥u¬Ý¸Ó§@ªÌ.....¸ü¤J¥þ³¡¹Ï¤ù ¥ÎLINE¶Ç°e . ¤À¨É¨ìFB

Once you have the general area, find·í§A¦³¤@¯ë¦a°Ï´M§ä
the right community in that area.ªÀ·|¦b³o¤@»â°ìªºÅv§Q.


The community is the social heart of your land.ªÀ°Ï¬OªÀ·|ªº¤ßŦ,§Aªº¤g¦a. It will set the tone for your personal relationships.¥¦±N¬°§Aªº­Ó¤HÃö«Y©w½Õ. This is true no matter how far out into the sticks you might choose to live.³o¬O¯uªº¤£ºÞ¨«¨ìªK§A¥i¯à¿ï¾Ü¦í. You will still buy things, go out to dinner and get involved in activities.§A·|¶RªF¦è,¥~¥X¦Y¶º©M±²¤J¬¡°Ê. This will be your identified hometown, so try it on before you buy.³o±N¬O§Aµo²{¬G¶m,©Ò¥H´N¦b§A¶R¸Õ¸Õ¬Ý. Here's how:³o¸Ìªº«ç»ò:

Explore an area first with your computer .­º¦¸µo±¸­±¿n»P§Aªº¹q¸£. Search for towns in the target area and check the real estate listings, economic research, local businesses, and the recreational and community activities.´M§ä¥Ø¼Ð°Ï«°Âí©Ð¦a²£¤W¥«Àˬd¡B¸gÀÙ¬ã¨s¡B¦a¤è°Ó¬É¡B¦Ó±d¼Ö¤ÎªÀ°Ï¬¡°Ê. You can get a pretty good feel for an area with an hour of time on the Internet.§A¥i¥H·P¨ü¸Ó¦a°Ï¦³¤£¿ùªº¤@­Ó¤p®É®É¶¡¤Wºô. Try Google and type in a town name and state abbreviation.¨¦ºq¨Ã¹Á¸Õ¦b¤@­Ó«°¥««¬ªº°ê®a¦WºÙ¡BÁY¼g. Also see the maps section.¤S¬Ý¨ì¤@¬q¦a¹Ï.
Get a detailed local map with topography lines (sporting goods or hardware stores will have these).±o¨ì¤F¸Ô²Óªº¦a¹Ï»P·í¦a¦a§Î½u(©ÎÅé¨|¥Î«~°Ó©±±N³o¨Çµw¥ó). When you first come into an area get a general feel for the landscape.·í§A²Ä¤@¦¸¶i¤J¤@­Ó¦a°Ï±o¨ì´¶¹M·P¨ü¨ì´ºÆ[. Determine the shape of the terrain and how the watershed flows.½T©w§Îª¬¦a§Î¦p¦ó¤À¤ôÀ­¬y¦V. Get your compass out and orient yourself.ªF¤è«ü«n°w¡B¦Û¤v§ä¥X¨Ó. How does the sun move across this area?¦p¦ó¸ó¶V³o¤@»â°ìªº¤Ó¶§? Where will the sun go down.­þ¸Ì¤Ó¶§¨«§C. Where will the morning light hit?¦­¤W»´À»¤¤¦ó³B?
Immerse yourself in the history and character of the place .¨I®û¦b¦Û¤vªº¾ú¥v©M¦a¤è¯S¦â. Try to think like a local.·Q·Q¹³­Ó·í¦a. Go to a school board meeting, volunteer for a day at a community service organization, go to a yard sale or local theater production.¥h¾Ç®Õ¸³¨Æ·|·|ij¬°´Á¤@¤Ñ,¦b¤@­ÓªÀ°Ï§ÓÄ@ªÌªA°È²Õ´¨ì¤F¦a¤è¾Ô°Ï¥Í²£¾P°â©Î°|¤l. Step into the flow of the community.¨«¶i¬y°ÊªºªÀ·|.
Start by having breakfast at the most local eatery you can find, buy the local paper and walk around town.­º¥ý¦b³Ì¨ã¦³¦­À\§A¥i¥H§ä¨ì·í¦aÀ\¶¼¡B¶R·í¦a³ø¯È©M¹CÄý«°¥«. Be open and friendly to the folks you see.¶}©ñ¤Í¦nªº¶m¿Ë§r. Ask about their yards or pets and get a feel for the community.°Ý°_¥L­ÌªºÃdª«©Î°ï³õ©M·P¨üªÀ·|.
Use a Real Estate Agent as a consultant .¨Ï¥Î©Ð¦a²£¸g¬ö¤H¾á¥ôÅU°Ý. They won't know they're doing free consulting, of course, but ask them to mark your map up with the things you need to know about the area.¥L­Ì¤£·|ª¾¹D½¨­§K¶O¿Ô¸ß,·íµM¦ý­n¨D¥L­Ì¦P°¨§J¹Ï§AªºªF¦è,§A¥²¶·¤F¸Ñªº½d³ò. Ask them to locate the sewage treatment plant, the sportsman's firing range, the local airport, pig farm or other noisy or stinky potential neighbor.°Ý¥L­Ì´M§äªº¦Ã¤ô³B²z¼t,¹B°Ê­ûªº¹v³õ,·í¦a¾÷³õ½Þ³õ©Î¨ä¥¦¹ËÂø©Î¼ç¦b¯ä¾F¨¹. Where are most new houses being built?³Ì·s©Ð¤l«Ø¦b­þ¸Ì? Why do people sell their houses and move away?¬°¤°»ò¦³¤H¥X°â©Ð¤l,·h¨«? You get the idea...§Aªº·Qªk:: Tell them you'll be back after your gotten a feel for the community.§i¶D§A,§A«ç»ò·|¦b¦^¨Óªº·Pı¤F. This is actually a good way to find an agent you want to work with.¨ä¹ê,³o¬O¤@ºØ«Ü¦nªº¤è¦¡§ä¨ì§A·Q­n¥N²z¤H¤u§@.
Drive for a few miles in each direction out of town .¤@³s´X­^¨½¶Ç°Ê¨C­Ó¤è¦V¥X«°. How are people making a living?¤H­Ì¦p¦ó¿Ñ¥Í? What are they building?¥L­Ì¦³¤°»ò«Ø³]? What does the land feel like?³ßÅw¤°»ò¤g¦a? Note your impressions on the map as you go.¦a¹Ï»¡©ú§Aªº·P·Q,§A¨«.
Find a community with character - Many communities close to cities are in the process of becoming suburbanized.§ä¨ì»PªÀ°Ï«~½è±µªñ³\¦hªÀ°Ï¥¿¦b¦¨¬°«°¥«­¥°Ï¤Æ. You will find strip developments of franchise shops and housing plats spilling out over the edge of town.§A·|µo²{±aµo®i±MÀ穱©M¦í©Ð¾ðºØ¬ªÅS¥X«°¥«ªºÃä½t. These places are losing their character to "Generica" - that mythological location where everything is dominated by mass-market mechandising and you have no idea what state you are in. Further out are other options:³o¨Ç¦a¤è³£¥¢¥h¯S¦â"generica"--³o¤@¤Á³£¬O¥Ñ¦a¤è¯«¸Ü¶Ç¸Ë¸m§Þ³N­û¡B¥«³õ§A¤£ª¾¹D§A¨­³Bªº°ê®a¥¿¦b¶i¤@¨B¶i¦æ¨ä¥¦¿ï¾Ü:

Older towns that once had wealth - These ex-mining, timber, railroad or oil towns were passed over by the big postwar build-up.¦Ñ«°Âí,´¿¸g°]´I¤K¨Õ¦ñ±ÄÄq¡B¤ì§÷¡B³q¹LÅK¸ô©Î¥Ûªo«°¥Ñ¤j¾Ô«á¿n»E. During their more recent past they've lost population to other towns and now have handsome older buildings that are underused.¥L­Ì§ó¦b³Ìªñ¿éµ¹¨ä¥L«°Âí¤H¤f,²{¦b¤w¬O«ؿvª«³£³Q­^«T. These are the towns that are being discovered first, especially if they are in spectacular natural scenery or have nearby recreational activities.³o¨Ç³£¬O«°Âí,µo²{²Ä¤@¤×¨ä¬O¦b§§Æ[ªº¦ÛµM­·¥ú,©Î´Nªñ¥ð¶¢¬¡°Ê. Some Western mining towns such as Aspen, Colorado have already become fully developed and are too expensive to be considered by most people looking for land.¤@¨Ç¦è¤èÄq·~«°Âí,¦pªü´µ¬ìù©Ô¦h¦{¤w¸g¦¨¬°µo¹F¡B¤Ó¶Q­n¦Ò¼{¤j¦h¼Æ¤H§ä¤g¦a. (If you like mountain towns like this, consider two other places I've liked. They are three and four notches lower down the development cycle - Leadville and Fairplay, CO.)(¦pªG§A³ßÅw³o¼Ëªº¤s«°,§Ú³ßÅw¦Ò¼{¨ä¥L¨â­Ó¦WÃB.¥L­Ì¤T¡B¥|­Ó¯Ê¤f­°§C¶}µo¶g´ÁµÜ¼wºûº¸¦X²z¨¤«×¨Ó¬Ý,ªÑ¥÷¦³­­¤½¥q)
Natural resource base communities - These are the towns that weren't as blessed or forgotten as the communities above.¦ÛµM¸ê·½°ò¦ªºªÀ°Ï-³o¨Ç«°Âí³Q¿ò§Ñ©Î¤£§@¬°¬°ªÀ°Ï¦³ºÖ¥H¤W. Many of these towns have to deal with a kind of rural depression as the old ways of making a living become less viable.³\¦h³o¨Ç«°Âí¥²¶·³B²z§@¬°¤@ºØ§íÆ{¹A§øªºÂ¤èªk§@¥Í¬¡Åܱo¤£¤Ó¥i¦æ. You will see this in communities with an economic base of timber, fishing, mining and certain types of farming or manufacturing.§A­Ì±N¬Ý¨ì¦b³o­ÓªÀ°Ïªº¸gÀÙ°ò¦¤ì§÷¡Bº®·~¬Y¨ÇÃþ«¬ªº¹A·~©M±ÄÄq©Î»s³y·~. Don't assume these places are not right for you.¤£­n¥H¬°³o¨Ç¦a¤è¤£¾A¦X§A. Many such towns are reinventing themselves and are very dynamic places to live.³\¦h«°Âí¬O­«¶ì¦Û¤v©M¥Í¬¡³£¥Rº¡¬¡¤Oªº¦a¤è. Bring your imagination though as you will have to look beyond a initial layer of grime ¡X think of it as a "patina".ÁöµM§A±a¨Ó·Q¹³§A·|¦³¤@ºØ¶W¶V³Ìªì¼hªº¦Ã¿B--·Q¨ì¥¦§@¬°"©Ü¤W".
Recreational or tourist centers - These towns will usually have a definable local character and a large service base to the economy.¥ð¶¢©Î®È¹C´ºÂI-«°Âí³q±`¦³©ú½Tªº¦a¤è¯SÂI,¨Ã¦³¤j¶qªº¸gÀÙ°ò¦ªA°È. Some will have a real heart and others will just be a false front full of seasonal workers.¦³¨Ç¤H·|¦³¯u¥¿ªº¤ß¥u¬O¤@­Ó°²¶H¥Rº¡©u¸`¤u¤H. If you find one that you like, make sure you get to know some year-round residents and how the community looks through their eyes.¦pªG§A§ä¨ì¤@­Ó§A³ßÅwÅý§Aµ²ÃѤ@¨Ç¥þ¦~©~¥Á©MªÀ°Ï¦p¦ó³q¹L¥L­Ìªº²´·ú¬Ý. When you live here (even seasonally) you will soon be avoiding many of the tourist spots.·í§A¦í¦b³o¸Ì(¬Æ¦Ü©u¸`©Ê)§A«Ü§Ö´N·|ÁקK³\¦hªº®È¹C´ºÂI.

Whatever the economy, look for communities that are finding creative ways to involve people in the local action.µL½×¸gÀÙ¡B§ä´MªÀ°Ï,´M§ä³Ð³y©Êªº¤è¦¡,Åý¥Á²³¦b·í¦a¦æ°Ê. Here's a short list of questions to check out:³o¸Ìªºµu´Á°ÝÃD²M³æÀˬd:

Where is the life and vitality in this town?¨º¸Ì¬O³o­Ó«°¥«ªº¥Í¾÷»P¬¡¤O?
How do the locals feel about newcomers?·í¦a¤H¹ï·s¤H«ç¼Ë?
Are there many different types of people here or is everyone pretty similar?¦³³\¦h¤£¦PÃþ«¬ªº¤H³£¤j¦P¤p²§,³o¸ÌÁÙ¬O?
Is there a defined political character to the place or a set of unwritten community rules?¦³©ú½Tªº¬Fªv«~®æ¦a¤èªÀ°Ï©Î¤@®M¤£¦¨¤åªº³W«h?
How many economic classes are there and how do they get along?¸gÀÙÃþ¦³¦h¤Ö¥L­Ì­n¦p¦ó¬Û³B?
What will this place look like in ten years?¤°»ò¼Ë¤l¦b³o­Ó¦a¤è¤Q¦~?
What would it be like to grow up here?¨s³º¬O§_³ßÅw³o¸Ìªø¤j? What would a kid feel like living here?¤°»ò¤p®É­Ô³ßÅw¦í¦b³o¸Ì¶Ü?
The community that is right for you will have a specific mix of comfort and challenge that makes you feel most alive.ªÀ·|¬O³o¼Ë,§A±N¦³¨ãÅ骺·f°t,Åý§A·PıµÎ¾A»P¬D¾Ô¦h¼Æ¬¡µÛ. We all need a place that is welcoming and secure so we can feel connected and safe.§Ú­Ì³£»Ý­n¤@­Ó¦a¤è´N¬O¦p¦¹ªºÅwªï,¨ÃÀò±o§Ú­Ì©Ò¯à·P¨ü¨ì³s³q¤Î¦w¥þ. Yet, if the place is too perfect or too comfortable, we won't really have anything to do.¦ý¬O,¦pªG¦a¤è¹L©ó§¹¬ü©Î¤ÓµÎªA,§Ú­Ì¤£·|¯uªºµLÃö. Ask a recent retiree, pure leisure gets old fast.½Ð°Ý³Ìªñ°h¥ðªÌ,¯Â¥ð¶¢¦~¦Ñ§Ö. The community that is right for you will have something you need to do there.ªÀ·|¬O³o¼Ë,§A¹ï§A¯à¦³©Ò­n°µ.

Once you find the right community, evaluate the infrastructure that you'll need.¤@¥¹§A§ä¨ì¥¿½TªºªÀ·|µû»ùªº°ò¦,±zªº»Ý­n. This may include schools, libraries, medical and dental facilities, shops & stores, building suppliers, theaters and entertainment.³o¥i¯à¥]¬A¾Ç®Õ¡B¹Ï®ÑÀ]¡BÂåÀø©M¤ú¬ì³]³Æ,°Ó©±»P°Ó©±¡B«Ø¿v¨ÑÀ³¡B¼v¼@°|©M®T¼Ö³õ©Ò. Also check out the services your home and land with use such as oil, gas, electricity, cable, phone, Internet providers, and legal and business services.¤]¬Ý¬Ý§A®aªºªA°È,¦p¤g¦a¨Ï¥Î¥Ûªo¡B¤ÑµM®ð¡B¹q¤O¡B¦³½u¹qµø¡B¹q¸Ü¡B¦]¯SºôªA°È´£¨Ñ°Ó¡Bªk«ß¤Î°Ó·~ªA°È. Get a copy of the local phone book and make a few calls to determine the choices you have.±o¨ì¤@¥÷·í¦a¹q¸Ü¤Î§@´XÂI©IÆ~®Ñ,½T©w§A¿ï¾Ü.

If you need employment in the community, check on opportunities in your field or areas of interest.¦pªG§A»Ý­n¦bªÀ°Ï´N·~,©Î¹ê¦aÀˬdªº¾÷·|§A·P¿³½ìªº»â°ì. Ask those who are doing similar work how busy they are and who might need skills such as yours.°Ý¨º¨Ç±q¨ÆÃþ¦ü¤u§@¦h»òÁc¦£,¥L­Ì¥i¯à»Ý­nªº§Þ¯à,¦p§A

¨Ï¥Î¹D¨ã Á|³ø



Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

µoªí©ó 2007-2-25 18:47:17 |¥u¬Ý¸Ó§@ªÌ.....¸ü¤J¥þ³¡¹Ï¤ù ¥ÎLINE¶Ç°e . ¤À¨É¨ìFB

Use these ideas to help "predesign" a house layout¨Ï¥Î³o¨Ç·QªkÀ°§U"Äl"¤@´É§G§½
on property you are considering for purchase.§A¥¿¦Ò¼{ÁʶR©Ð¦a²£.


Plan and layout your property in a natural way±z°]²£³W¹º©M§G§½¤è¦¡¦ÛµM
Build the right house using these simple rules«Ø©Ð¤l¥Î³o¨Ç²³æªº³W«hÅv

Well building hath three conditions - commodity, firmness and delight.«Ø³]¦n¤T­Ó±ø¥ó¤W«Ò¤§¤l°Ó«~¡B°í©w©M´r®®.
                  Sir Henry Wotton, 1651¦ë§Q¥ý¥Íwotton¡B1651
We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us.§Ú­Ì¶ì³y§Ú­Ìªº«Ø¿vª«,«Ø¿vª«ªº§Îª¬©M¨Æ«á§Ú­Ì.
                       Winston Churchillªô¦Nº¸

Maximize the use and expand the perceived size of your lot by setting the house back from the road, curving a longer drive and providing a variety of experiences such as shelter and openness.¥R¤À§Q¥Î©MÂX¤j³W¼Òª¾Ä±©w¶Q«Ü¦h©Ð¤l±q¸ôÅsÅsªø®|©M¸gÅç´£¨Ñ¤F¦UºØ½Ñ¦p¦í©Ð©M¤½¶}©Ê.

Don't build a suburban house on country land.¤£«Ø¥ß¥þ°ê¤g¦a¥«­¥©Ð¤l. Break the dominance of the car and think of the project as a compound of structures, each with indoor and outdoor living spaces.¥´¯}ÃbÂ_,¨Ã»{¬°¸Ó¶µ¥ØªºÃ⨮§@¬°½Æ¦Xµ²ºc¦U«Ç¤º©M«Ç¥~ªº©~¦íªÅ¶¡. Fences, patios, trellises, decks and gardens define outdoor space just as walls and ceilings do indoors.³òÄæ¡B¶§¥x¡BÀ𭱡B¾ô­±¡B¶éªL¤á¥~ªÅ¶¡©w¦ì´N¹³°µ«Ç¤ºÀð¾À©M¤ÑªáªO. Climate will determine if your layout needs to all be connected.¦pªG§A±N¨M©w®ð­Ô§G§½»Ý­n¥þ³¡±µ³q.
  An ideal location for a house is partway up the slope of rolling land, open to the south, partially protected on the east and west, and sheltered from the north.©Ð¤l¬O¤@­Ó²z·Q¦aÂI°_¨Ópartway¤s©Yºu¦a¶}¨ì«n,Ãö©ó«OÅ@³¡¤ÀªF¦è,¨Ó¦Û¥_¤èªº§ÈÅ@. In the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, which concerns environmental energy flows, this house site is called the "armchair" placement.¦b¤¤°ê¥j¥NÃÀ³Nªº­·¤ô,Ãöª`Àô«O¯à·½¬y¦V³o®aºô¯¸¸¹ºÙ"ªÅÀY"¦w¸m.  
Look to place the house near the edge of two different environments ¡X close to the top of a slope where it starts to level out, or where vegetation changes (from meadow to woods say).®i±æ¼s³õªþªñªº©Ð¤lÃä¨â­Ó¤£¦PÀô¹Ò--¾aªñ¤s©Y³»³¡¨º¸Ì¶}©l¥X¤ô¥­,©ÎªÌ´Ó³QÅܤÆ(±q¥H¥î¯÷»¡¯ó¨l). Homes have always been built in such transition zones.«Ø°|¤@ª½¦b³o¼Ëªº¹L´ç¦a±a.  
Build on dry, well-drained soil with no history of flooding or instability.«Ø³]·F,¤p±dªº¾ú¥v¬x¤ôµL¤gÄ[¬y¥¢©Î¤£Ã­©w. Don't build in a low spot ¡X water and cold dead air will collect there.¤£«Ø¥ß¤@­Ó§CÂI¤ô©MªÅ®ð§N¦º¦¬.  
Don't build too close to the road.¤£­n¤Ó¾aªñ¹D¸ô«Ø³]. Money spent on a longer drive is a good investment in privacy and leads to higher resale value.ªá¶O§óªøªº¬¡°Ê,¬O¤@­Ó«Ü¦nªº§ë¸ê±a°Ê°ªÂà°â»ù­È©MÁô¨p.  
Build a curve into the entry drive even if a straight one would be shorter.«Ø¥ß¦±½u¶i¤J¤@­Óª½®|§Y¨Ï±NÁYµu. This will give variety to the entry process, increase privacy and make the property feel larger.³o±N¨Ï±o¸Ó«~ºØ¶i¤J¶iµ{,¨Ï°]²£¼W¥[Áô¨p·P¨ü¨ì¸û¤j.  
On a non-view site, clearing to the south of the house will bring in the sun.¹ï«D°w¹ï²{³õ,µ²ºâ¥H«nªº©Ð¤l±N±a¨Ó¶§¥ú. Your large window areas can then face this south view and focus on the landscaping and activities of this outdoor area.§A´N¯à­±¹ï³o­Ó¤jµ¡¤f¦a°Ï©M«n¤èÆ[ÂIµÛ²´©ó¬ü¤Æ©M¤á¥~¬¡°Ê,³o¤è­±.  
Before looking at stock plans consider these three questions about the shape and orientation of the house:¥H«e¬ÝªÑ²¼¹Ï¦Ò¼{³o¤T­Ó°ÝÃDªº¤è¦V©M§Îª¬ªº©Ð¤l:
How do people get here?¦p¦óÅý¤H³o¸Ì? (Where do they first see the house?)(­º¨£¤º°È­þ¸Ì?)
Where do they park?¤½¶é­þ¸Ì?
How do they find the door?¦p¦ó§ä¨ì¥´¶}?

Where specific rooms are located and how they relate to each other becomes clear when you know the answer to three questions:¦p¦³¨ãÅé¦ì¸m©M©Ð¶¡¦p¦ó»P¹ï¤èÅܱo²M´·,·í§Aª¾¹Dµª®×ªº¤T­Ó°ÝÃD:
"Where's the View?""¨º¸Ìªº·N¨£"? (What do I want to see from this room?)(§Ú·Q¬Ý¬Ý³o­Ó©Ð¶¡?)
"Where's the Sun?""¨º¸Ìªº¤Ó¶§"? (When will I be in this room and do I want the sun to be there as well? IE: Kitchen in the SE.)(¦ó®É·|¦b³o­Ó©Ð¶¡,§Ú·Q§Ú¬O¦³¤Ó¶§¶Ü?§Y:¼p©ÐªºÖ´).
"Where's the traffic?""¨º¸Ìªº¥æ³q"? (Do people have to move through this space to get somewhere else?)(¿ì¤H­n³q¹L³o¤@Á|±¹±o¨ì§O³BªÅ¶¡?)
You will also find that rooms work best when laid out on a privacy gradient from social to private.§AÁÙ·|µo²{©Ð¶¡¤u§@¥´¤U¤F¤@­Ó³Ì¦nªº®É­Ô¦VªÀ·|±è«×¨p¤HÁô¨p.

¨Ï¥Î¹D¨ã Á|³ø



Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

µoªí©ó 2007-2-25 18:48:42 |¥u¬Ý¸Ó§@ªÌ.....¸ü¤J¥þ³¡¹Ï¤ù ¥ÎLINE¶Ç°e . ¤À¨É¨ìFB

Print this two page checklist and take it with¥´¦L¨â­¶ªº²M³æ,¨Ã§â³o¶µ¥H
you when looking at property .§A¬Ý°]²£


( Consider the following characteristics of your property and track them on the checklist below )(¦Ò¼{¥H¤U¯SÂI©M°lÂܧAªº°]²£²M³æ,¹ï¥H¤U)

View: Views can have three levels ¡X controlled, local and expansive.Æ[ÂI:Æ[ÂI¥i¥H¦³¤T­Ó¼h¦¸±±¨î,¦a¤è©M¿±µÈ. Controlled views look into a yard or prepared place on your property which you maintain.¨ü±±Æ[ÂI±´°Q¤F°|¤l·Ç³Æ§â§A°]²£©ÎªÌ§Aºû«ù. Local views look out onto nearby land you either don¡¦t own or don¡¦t attempt to maintain.´M§äªþªñ©~¥Áªº·N¨£,§A­n¤\¤£¾Ö¦³¤g¦a©Î¤£¸Õ¹Ïºû«ù. Expansive views go out to infinity and include water, mountain and "big sky" views.¥~¥XµL­­¿±µÈªº¬Ýªk,¥]¬A¤ô¡B¤s"¤j¤ÑªÅ"ªºÆ[ÂI.

Soil: For strong foundations you want stable firm soil under the house, preferably sand, gravel or a good loam.¤gÄ[:§A·Q­n¦w©wí©T°í¹êªº¤g©Ð¤l¤U,³Ì¦n¬O¨F,Ät¥Û©Î¦nªºÄ[¤g. Soils with clay and hardpan can hold water and expand when they freeze and slide when wet.¤gÄ[ÂH¤g¡Bµw¤g¼h¯¸±o¦í¸}¨ÃÂX¤j¥L­Ì¦b·ÆÀã¡B­áµ². Build on dry, well drained soil or anticipate problems.«Ø·F¡B±Æ¤ô¨}¦nªº¤gÄ[©Î¹w¨£ªº°ÝÃD.

Access: How do you get to the building site?±µ¤J:«ç»ò¥h«Ø³]¤u¦a? Will the driveway or road be easy to build and maintain?±N¦æ¨®¹D©ÎªÌ®e©ö«Ø¥ß©M«O«ù? (Determine slope with the inclinometer .) Will there be extra costs for services and utility lines?(½T©wÃä©Y¶É±×).·|¦³ÃB¥~¶O¥Î¤Î¤½¥ÎªA°È½u? Access issues are often a tradeoff with privacy considerations.­ã¤J°ÝÃD¤W©¹©¹Åv¿Å»PÁô¨pªº¦Ò¼{. Make sure you have deeded access to the property, not just an understanding with a neighbor.Åý§ADeededÀò±oªº°]²£,¤£¥u¬O¤@­Ó»{ÃѪº¾F©~.

Sunlight: Will the site get good sunlight during the heating season?¶§¥ú:½Ð°Ý¶§¥ú¦b²{³õ±o¨ì«Ü¦nªö·x©u¸`? Are there trees or buildings that will interfere with future access to light?¦³«Ø¿vª«©Î¾ð¤ì,¥¼¨Ó±N¶i¤J¤z¹w»´? Can a building be designed to take advantage of both sunlight and views?«Ø¿v³]­p¥i§Q¥Î¶§¥ú©MÂù¤è·N¨£? Chart the sunpath for each site.¹Ïªíªºsunpath¨C­Ó¤u¦a.

Weather protection: Which direction do storms come from and is the site fully exposed or does it get some protection from trees or land?®ð¶H«O»Ù:¨Ó¦Û¦ó¤è¼É­·«B°µ²{³õ¨Ã¥R¤À¼ÉÅS,ÁÙ¬O·|¦³¤@¨Ç«OÅ@¾ð¤ìÁÙ¬O¤g¦a? How has the local vegetation fared?·í¦a´Ó³Q±¡ªp¦p¦ó? Some sites will also need to consider fire, flash flood, landslide and earthquake protection.¦³¨Ç¦a¤èÁٻݭn¦Ò¼{¤õ¨a¡B¼É¬x¡B¦a¾_¡B·Æ©Y«OÅ@. (Trees can provide wind protection for 3x their height.)(¾ð­·¥i¥H´£¨Ñ«OÅ@«Ç¤º·P¨ì¦Û¤v¨­°ª).

Pollution: Is the site protected from noise, light, and smells?¦Ã¬V:¾¸­µ,¬O¤£¨ü³õ¦a¡B»´¤u¡B®ð¨ý? Can these be controlled by placement of plantings, fences or outbuildings?³o¨Ç±±¨î¥i¥H©ñ¸mªG¶é¡B³òÆXªþÄݪ«? Could the water system be contaminated by nearby activity?¨Ñ¤ô¨t²Î¨ü¨ì¦Ã¬V,¥i¯à¬O³Qªþªñ¬¡°Ê? What things are further away from you that may infringe on this property (check a detailed zoning map).¤°»òªF¦è³£»·Â÷§A,³o¥i¯à·|«I¥Ç°]²£(¸Ô²Ó®Ö¹ï°Ï¹º¹Ï). Determine the seasonal wind direction and what it will bring to you.½T©w©u¸`­·¦V©M¥¦©Ò±aµ¹§A.

Expandability: Is there enough room at this site for all the things you want to do?ÂX¥R©Ê:¦³¨¬°÷ªºªÅ¶¡,¦b³o­Ó¦aÂI©Ò¦³§A·Q°µªº¨Æ? Consider all future buildings, gardens and landscaping.¦Ò¼{¤µ«á©Ò¦³ªº«Ø¿vª«,ªá¶é¤Î¶éªL. Picture the finished compound on this site.¦b³o­Ó¦aÂIªº·Ó¤ù¦¨«~¤Æ¦Xª«.

Site Slope: The best site will allow air and water to drain away from the site naturally.²{³õ¤s©Y:³Ì¨Î¦aÂI±N¤¹³\ªÅ®ð©M¤ô¨ì´ë¦ÛµM±aÂ÷²{³õ. Consider the path of smoke.¦Ò¼{¨«·ÏÃú. Don't build in a hollow, cold dead air will collect there.¤£«Ø¥ß¤@­Ó¤¤ªÅ,§N¦º¥i¦¬¶°ªÅ®ð. Steep sites will have extra expenses for access.°~®kªº¤g¦a,±N·|¦³ÃB¥~ªº±µ¤J¶O¥Î.

Gardens, landscaping and crops: How is the site from the point of view of plants you wish to grow?¶éªL¶éÃÀ©M¹A§@ª«:¦p¦ó±q¤u¦a¨¤«×¼t§A·Q¦¨ªø¶Ü? Good soil for a house (quick draining with gravel and sand) is not ideal for a garden.©Ð¤l¦n¤gÄ[(¬âÄt¡B¬â»P§Ö³t²¨¾É)¤£¬O¤@­Ó²z·Qªºªá¶é. You can bring in better soil for landscaping plants near the house, but if you will be doing extensive gardening or raising crops, you may want to place the house closer to better gardening soils.§A¥i¥H¦bªþªñªº´Óª«´ºÆ[§ó¤g®a¦ý¬O¦pªG§A·|°µ¼sªxÄw¶°©Î¶éÃÀ§@ª«§A·Q§ó¦n¦a¶Kªñ¶éÃÀ¤g©Ð¤l.

Water and waste systems: Will this site be a problem for water lines, well placement, septic drainfield or sewer lines?¤ô©M¼oª«¨t²Î:³o­Óºô¯¸±N¬O°ÝÃD¤ô½u¸ô,¨Ã³]¸m¤ÆÁT¦À©Î¦Ã¤ôdrainfield½u? Are additional costs involved?¦³ÃB¥~¶O¥Î? Check with local heath agencies for permit requirements and talk to installers for well and septic options.Àˬd¾÷ºc»P¦a¤è§Æ«ä³\¥i±ø¥ó¤Î±MÃDÁ¿®yµ¥¦hºØ¸Ë¸m©M±Ñ¦å©Ê¿ï¾Ü. These can be deal breakers, don't buy land where these are unknown.³o¨Ç¥i¥æ©öÂ_¸ô¾¹,¤£­nÁʶR³o¨Ç¤g¦a³£¬O¥¼ª¾¼Æ.

Future Development: Can you parcel off some of the land and sell it if you wanted to in the future?¥¼¨Óµo®i:¯à§_¹L¥]»q³¡¤À¤g¦a,½æµ¹§A­n«ç¼Ëªº©O? Are raising property values and taxes going to impact your plans?²{°]²£»ù­Èµ|´£°ªªº¼vÅT,§A¥´ºâ¥h?

¨Ï¥Î¹D¨ã Á|³ø



Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

µoªí©ó 2007-2-25 18:51:25 |¥u¬Ý¸Ó§@ªÌ.....¸ü¤J¥þ³¡¹Ï¤ù ¥ÎLINE¶Ç°e . ¤À¨É¨ìFB

How to plan a house with soul.¦p¦óµ¦¹º»PÆF»îªº©Ð¤l.


Design and build a house with the following characteristics and it will be lived in and³]­p©M«Ø³]¤@­Ó¨ã¦³¤U¦C¯SÂI©M©Ð¤l«K¦í¡B
loved by people you will never meet ¡X people who will be born after you are gone.¤H¥Á¥Ã»··RÀ¹§A·|­±«á¥X¥Íªº¤H,§A±N·|®ø¥¢.

Feel·P¨ü  Size¤j¤p  Design³]­p  
It comes to feel a part of the site yet doesn't dominate it.½Í¨ì³¡¤À¤g¦a©|¥¼·P¨ì¤£ºÙÅQ.
It focuses attention on life (both inside and outside its walls) and not on itself.¥¦§âª`·N¤O¶°¤¤¦b¤H¹Ø(¤º¥~Àð¾À),¦Ó¤£¬O¦Û¤v.
It is scaled to human proportions yet has some unexpected surprises.¥¦¬°¤HÃþÃkµn¤ñ¨Ò©|¥¼¦³·N¥~Åå³ß.
It is forgiving of clutter and ages gracefully.³o¬O¼e®¤Âøªi©M¦~ÄÖ­·«×.
It has sufficient space but is not excessively large.¥¦¦³¨¬°÷ªºªÅ¶¡,¦ý¤£¬O¹L¤j.
It looks smaller on the outside than it feels on the inside.¬Ý¨Ó¸û¤pªº·Pı¤ñ¥~­±ªº¨®´[.
It has both expansive social spaces and cozy private ones.¥¦¬J¦³ÂX±iªÀ·|ªÅ¶¡©MµÎ¾A¨p©Ð.
It is connected to the outdoors through transition spaces such as porches, decks, patios and sunrooms.¥¦³q¹L³s±µ«Ç¥~ªº¹L´çªÅ¶¡,¦p¶§¥x¡B¾ô­±¡B¶§¥x¡Bsunrooms.
Living flows in and out of doors and the two are linked together through the landscaping.¦í¬y°Ê©M¶i¥X¤jªù¨âªÌÁpô°_¨Ó,³q¹L¬ü¤Æ.
It uses materials that are honest about where they come from.¥¦±Ä¥Îªº§÷®Æ¨Ó¦Û¦ó³B,¥L­Ì³£¬O¸Û¹êªº.
It is designed to adapt to changing needs.¥¦ªº³]­p¬O¬°¤F¾AÀ³¤£Â_Åܤƪº»Ý¨D. Expansion is planned for.ÂX±i­p¹º.

The house described above exists outside of fashion and lives a long life because people continue to want to live in it.¦s¦b¤W­z¥H¥~ªº©Ð¤l,¥Í¬¡®É©|,¦]¬°¤H­Ìªø´Á¥Í¬¡Ä~Äò­n¬¡¤U¥h¨ä¤¤. Houses die when people stop wanting to live there.·í¤H­Ì·Q­nªý¤î¼Ò¨ã©Ð¤l¦í. Even poor construction (click the photo below) can't stop us from loving places that are built with soul.§Y¨Ï½a¤H«Ø¿v(ÂIÀ»¹Ï¤ù¥H¤U)¤£¯àªý¤î§Ú­Ì¼ö·Rªº¦a¤è,§¡³]¦³ÆF»î.

Parco dei Mostri.3218mostriち. Bomarzo, Italy.bomarzo·N¤j§Q.
(The Garden of Monsters) Click to enlarge.(ªá¶é©ÇÃ~)ÂIÀ»ÂX¤j.

photo courtesy of Philip Greenspun¹Ï¤ù§»ªÃ¾greenspun

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a short history²¥v
Living in a post-¦í¦b«á
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Building a tiny starter cabin¦±«Ø¤p¤pªº²î¿µ
Back to the land, again¦^¤j¦a,¦A«×
When and why you gotta build·í§A¬°¤°»òGotta«Ø³]
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

µoªí©ó 2007-2-25 19:01:17 |¥u¬Ý¸Ó§@ªÌ.....¸ü¤J¥þ³¡¹Ï¤ù ¥ÎLINE¶Ç°e . ¤À¨É¨ìFB

as your draftsman¥Ñ©ó§A¯óÀÀ
How to draw a site plan for new land¦p¦ó§l¨ú·s§}³W¹º¥Î¦a

How to grab useful ideas from¦p¦ó±qĄ̊ú¦³¥Î
magazine plans.Âø»x¹Ï.


How to make a scaled site plan from the tiny tax assessors map.¦p¦ó¨Ï¤@­Ó³W¼Ò«Ü¤pªº²{³õ¹Ï,±q¹Ïµûµ|.

How to use and combine different parts from magazine house plans.¦p¦ó¨Ï¥Îµ²¦X°_¨Ó,±q¦U³B®aÂø»x¹Ï.

F irst, find a copy machine that has a variable zoomÂ_ºÝ,§ä¨ì½Æ¦L¾÷,¥iÅܵJ¶Z

Find one that can print out on 11"x 17" paper.§ä¨ì¤@­Ó¥i¦C¦L11"¡Ñ17"¯È±i. This will give you a good sized scaled plan to use for a detailed property layout.³o·|µ¹§A¤@­Ó¦nªº¤j¤¤«¬Ãkµn­p¹º§Q¥Î¤@­Óª©­±¸Ô²Ó°]²£. Most stationery and office supply stores have these.³Ì¦³³o¨Ç¤å¨ã©M¿ì¤½¥Î«~¨ÑÀ³.

Once you¡¦ve located the machine, have someone in the shop explain how to use the zoom and manual contrast features.¤@¥¹§A©Ò¦bªº¾÷¾¹,¦³¤H¦b©±¤º¨Ï¥Î»¡©ú¤â¥U¡B¹ï¤ñ«×ÅܵJ¥\¯à. You will need to control the contrast to keep the image readable through several generations of copies.§A»Ý­n±±¨î¹Ï¹³¹ï¤ñ«×ÀH®É³q¹L´X¥N¥iŪ°Æ¥». Keep it as light as possible while still picking up the important details.ºÉ¥i¯à§â¥¦·í§@»´¤´¦^¤Éªº­«­n²Ó¸`.

Make sure you start with a clean copy with only the detail you want.Åý§A¥ý¦³¤@­Ó°®²bªº°Æ¥»,¥u¦³§A­n¸Ô²Ó. White out distractions and imperfections before you start enlarging as they will only get worse as they get larger.¥Xµê¥Õ¡B¤£§¹µ½¤~¶}©lÂX¤j,¥L­Ì¥u·|§ó®t,¦]¬°¥L­Ì±o¨ì¸û¤j.

S caling the Plot map¦¬½L§G½u¼@±¡¦a¹Ï

The hard part of this process is knowing what ratio you need to adjust the copy machine to get to the final scale you want.³o­Ó¹Lµ{¬O¨¯­Wªº³¡¤À,§Aª¾¹D¦Û¤v»Ý­n½Õ¾ã¤ñ²v½Æ¦L¾÷¥h§A·Q­nªº³Ì«á³W¼Ò.

An engineering scale is usually used for plot plans.¤uµ{³W¼Ò³q±`¥Î§@³±¿Ñ­p¹º. This is ruled out on a base 10 number system with ratios of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 marks to the inch.³o¬O±Æ°£¤F°ò¦a10¦h­Ó¨t²Îªº¤ñ¨Ò10,20,30,40,50,©M60­^¤oªº²ª¸ñ. A site plan might state that it is drawn to a scale of 1" = 50'. On the engineering scale you would use the 50 ratio side to measure things on such a plan.¤@´T¹Ï¥i¥H»¡¬O¹º¤F¤@­Ó³W¼Ò1"=50'.§A·|¦b¤uµ{³W¼Ò¥Î50¤ñ¨Òµ¥¤è­±¨Ó¿Å¶q¨Æª«ªº³W¹º.
An engineering scale @ 1:50¤uµ{³W¼Ò@1:50   

What would be the length (in inches) of the longest dimension of your property at this scale?¤°»ò¬Oªø«×³Ìªø(­^¤o)¤Ø¤o§A°]²£³W¼Ò? If you want to blow up your property to fit on an 11x17 page, then adjust your scale (try 1"=30' for instance) until the scaled outline dimensions fit comfortably onto the page.¦pªG§A·Q¬µ§A´N¾AÀ³¤F°]²£11x17­¶µM«á½Õ¾ã§Aªº³W¼Ò(¹Á¸Õ1"=30'¤ñ¦p)ª½¦ÜÃkµn¨ìµÎªA¦X¾A¤Ø¤oºõ­n­¶.
Property laid out on an 11x17 sheet at different scales.ª«·~ªí¦C¥X¤F¦b¤£¦P³W¼Ò11x17.

When you know the dimension you want for a property line in the final plan, compare that to the measurement on the plan you will be copying from.·í§Aª¾¹D§A·Q­nªº¤Ø¤o¬°ª«·~½uªº³Ì²×¤è®×,¬°¤F´ú¶q¤ñ¸û,§A´N­p¹º±N§Ûŧ. These dimensions will allow you to calculate the zoom ratio for the copy machine.³o¨Ç¼h­±,¨Ï§Aªº­pºâÁY©ñ¤ñ¨Ò½Æ¦L¾÷.

E xample¤­¥S§Ì

Your long property dimension is 396' and it measures 3.5" on the map you have. After experimenting a bit you find that a scale of 1"=30' gives you a line 13.2" long for this dimension on your final plan. That will f it well on an 11x17 page (check the other dimensions at the same scale to see that they don't fall o ff the edge of the page).§A¬OºûÀsª«·~396',3.5±¹¬I"§A¦b¦a¹Ï¤W.¸g¹L¸Õ¥Î¤@¤U´N·|µo²{¤@­Ó³W¼Ò1"=30'13.2½uµ¹§A¤@­Ó"§AÂQ©¹³o­Ó¤Ø¤o³Ì²×¤è®×.³o¤»¦n¤@­Ó11x17­¶(®Ö¹ï¤Ø¤o¦b¦P¨ä¥L³W¼Ò¬Ý¨ì¥L­Ì³£¤£ÄÝ©ó¿Dªk°êªk­¦Ãä½t­¶).

To zoom your map to this size will mean taking a 3.5" line and enlarging it to 13.2".³o¤@¨ÓÁY©ñ¦a¹Ï¤j¤pµ¥©ó§A¨«350"½u©MÂX¤j¦Ü13.2". (13.2 / 3.5 = 3.77) That means you have to enlarge the image over three and 3/4 times or 377%.(13.2/3.5=3.77),¨º»ò§Aªº§Î¶H¤w¸gÂX¤j¤F3©M3/4­¿©Î377%. If the copier can't make this jump in one move, you will have to enlarge it to the maximum first and then remeasure this intermediate print to get a new ratio for your final copy.¦pªG½Æ¦L¾÷¤£¯à§@¦¹¤@Á|ÅD¡B§A±N¥¦ÂX¤j¨ì³Ì¤j­­«×,µM«áÀ¿¥h³o¤¤¶¡¨ú±o¤F·s¦rÅé¤ñ§Aªº³Ì«á¤å¥». The simple formula for this zoom ratio is "final plan size / current plan size".³o­Ó²³æ¤½¦¡ÅܵJ¤ñ²v¬O"³Ì«áªº­p¹º³W¼Ò/¹q¬y¤j¤p¹Ï". Express that as a percentage for the copier.¥Lªí¥Ü,§@¬°¤@­Ó¦Ê¤À¤ñªº½Æ¦L¾÷.

A djustments and fine tuning¤@¡B·L½Õdjustments

Copy machines are not precision instruments.«þ¨©¾÷¾¹¤£¬Oºë±K»ö¾¹. Bring your scale with you and measure the dimensions on your final prints to see that they are as expected.±a§A©M§Aªº1050¤Ø¤o´ú¶q§A¬Ý¨ì³o¨Çª©µe³Ì«áªGµM. You may have to enlarge or shrink a few percent points to get it right.§A¥i¯à­n©ñ¤j©ÎÁY¤p¨ì´X­Ó¦Ê¤ÀÂI·Ç½TµL»~.

A plan grabbing technique·m¦û§Þ³N­p¹º

You can use this same technique to zoom parts from magazine plans so they can be used as a kind of "clip library" of plan ideas.§A¥i¥H¥Î³o­Ó§Þ³N¦P¼Ë¨Ó¦ÛÅܵJ¹s¥ó¹Ïµ¥Âø»x¥i§@¬°¤@ºØ"§¨¹Ï®ÑÀ]"­p¹º«ä¸ô.

Normally a magazine plan will not have a stated scale so to get the zoom ratios right you have to find something of a known dimension in the plan.³q±`¤@®aÂø»x¹Ïªí¥Ü³W¼Ò¤£·|¦³³o»òÅý§A¥²¶·¥¿½TÅܵJ¤ñ²v§ä¤@­Ó¤wª¾¤Ø¤oªº¸¡®×. You can then use that as an anchor dimension.§A¥i¥H§Q¥Î,§@¬°¥D¼½¼h­±. Here are some standard sizes:¥H¤U¬O¤@¨Ç¼Ð·Ç¤Ø¤o:

The front door (single door) is usually 3' wide«eªù(³æªù)³q±`¬O3'¼e
The standard bathtub is 5' long¼Ð·Ç¯D¬û¬O5'ªø
A standard washer and dryer space (side by side) is 5'¼Ð·Ç¬~¦ç¾÷¡B¯M°®ªÅ¶¡(¨Ã¦C)5'
A kitchen countertop is 2' deep, a standard dishwasher 2' wide¤G¬O¼p©Ðcountertop'²`,¬~¸J¾÷2¼Ð·Ç'¼e
Architectural plans, to be useful, are usually drawn at 1/8" or 1/4" to the foot.«Ø¿v³W¹º,¬O¦³¥Îªº,³q±`¶}1/8"©Î1/4"¨ì¸}. (Yes, an architectural scale is different from an engineering scale. Architects like to use fractions!) Although drawn larger, magazine plans are reduced to fit the page and lose their scale in the process. (¤£¿ù,«Ø¿v³W¼Ò¤£¦Pªº¤uµ{³W¼Ò.«Ø¿v®v³ßÅw¥Î¤À¼Æ!)ÁöµM¨ú¥Î¸û¤jÂø»xªº¤@­¶­p¹ºÅܦ¨¾A¦X¦b³o­Ó¹Lµ{¤¤,¥¢¥h³W¼Ò.

You want plans at 1/8" scale for your preliminary layouts. In other words, enlarge everything in your clip library to a scale of 1/8"=1'.§A·Q¦b¹Ï1/8"§G§½ªì¨B³W¼Ò¬°¶Q.´«¥y¸Ü»¡,¤Z¬O§A§¨ÂX¤j¹Ï®ÑÀ]³W¼Òªº1/8"=1'.

Say you find a standard tub and a washer/dryer space in the plan, set them at 5'.»¡§A§ä¨ì¤F¤@­Ó¼Ð·Ç¯D¬û¬~¦ç¾÷/¯M°®¾÷ªº¤ÓªÅ­p¹º,½T©w¥¦­Ì¦b5'. At a scale of 1/8"=1' a 5' bathtub should measure 5/8" (.625") long. What is the dimension of that space on the magazine plan you have? Let's say it's 1/4".¦b³W¼Ò1/8"=1'5'¯D¬ûÀ³±¹¬I5/8"(0.625")ªø.¤°»ò¬OºûªÅ¶¡§A¹ïÂø»x¹Ï?¸Ü¤S»¡¦^¨Ó,¥¦ªº1/4". Your zoom ratio is "final plan size / current plan size" or ( .625 /.25) = 2.5.±zÅܵJ¤ñ²v¬O"³Ì«áªº­p¹º³W¼Ò/­p¹º³W¼Ò¥»©¡"©Î(0.625/0.25)=2.5. This means you have to enlarge the magazine plan 250% to get it to 1/8"=1' scale.³o´N¬O»¡,§A¥²¶·ÂX¤jÂø»x¹Ï250%µ¥¨ì1/8"=1'³W¼Ò.

You can do this with several different plans bringing them all up to 1/8" scale. When you do this you have library of plan ideas all at the same scale. You can then use these to trace or cut and paste into new floor plans of your own design.§A¯à°µ¨ì³o´X­Ó¤£¦Pªº­p¹º,¨Ï¥L­Ì³£¹F¨ì1/8"ªº³W¼Ò.·í§A³o¼Ë°µ§A¦³¤å®w­p¹º³]·Q¦b¦P¤@¤Ø«×.§A¥i¥H§Q¥Î³o¨Ç°l¬d©MÂæ©Î´î¦¨·s¥­­±¹Ï¶Q¦Û¤v³]­p.

¨Ï¥Î¹D¨ã Á|³ø

Rank: 1

µoªí©ó 2007-3-5 20:56:28 |¥u¬Ý¸Ó§@ªÌ.....¸ü¤J¥þ³¡¹Ï¤ù ¥ÎLINE¶Ç°e . ¤À¨É¨ìFB

¨Ï¥Î¹D¨ã Á|³ø

Rank: 1

µoªí©ó 2007-3-5 23:14:39 |¥u¬Ý¸Ó§@ªÌ.....¸ü¤J¥þ³¡¹Ï¤ù ¥ÎLINE¶Ç°e . ¤À¨É¨ìFB
·PÁ¯¸ªøªá®É¶¡Â½Ä¶, ¼W¥[§Ú­Ìªºµø³¥, ´£¿ô§Ú­Ì§ó¦hªºª`·N¨Æ¶µ.

¨Ï¥Î¹D¨ã Á|³ø

Rank: 8Rank: 8

µoªí©ó 2007-3-6 01:05:30 |¥u¬Ý¸Ó§@ªÌ.....¸ü¤J¥þ³¡¹Ï¤ù ¥ÎLINE¶Ç°e . ¤À¨É¨ìFB
À~¤@¸õ, ¥H¬°¯¸ªø¨º麽¥Î¥\, ¦Û¤v³v¥y½Ķ¥X¨Ó.

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