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徵求翻譯,申請YH青年旅舍需自我介紹及交通資訊徵中翻英譯文入選數名送二樓套房一宿 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 2011-4-18 15:57:13 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB |倒序瀏覽
本文章最後由 心身活莊園 於 2011-4-27 06:40 編輯


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2011-4-20 19:07:10 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB

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發表於 2011-5-3 10:34:03 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
申請YH青年旅舍需自我介紹 中文的[心身活莊園]文稿

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2011-5-9 13:04:48 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
The island of Taiwan after two orogeny, the formation of both big and small, north-south mountain ranges, respectively, in different geological and tectonic zone between the two mountains is 3-6 km wide and separated by the East Rift Valley, the Rift Valley on behalf of the two aggregate plate after the collision suture. Although a large mountain range west of the Tropic of Cancer in the subtropical, due to 3 thousand meters above sea level peaks everywhere, there are also opportunities for snow, a small mountain range east, squeezed by the Philippine tectonic plate continuously increased so that the two mountains, so the island is a young geology , forests and beautiful rural scenery,
     Shoufong Township East Rift Valley on the north side of the entrance area, cited the two mountain streams north of the Rift Valley into the Pacific Ocean, but also from the use of stream water for irrigation, the crops abundant here, the implementation of non-toxic organic fruits and vegetables cultivation, river gravel planted watermelon, plus freshwater fish. clam class and pig industries, so an important producer of township in Taiwan, as early as a hundred years ago Japan occupied time, to attach importance to development, it also left some monuments
    Although only separated by a river in Hualien city, 20 minutes, but the center is a scenic spot in Hualien County, the marine park. Ideal resort, Tachikawa fishing grounds, botanical gardens and other landscape clouds Recreation Area, more Carp Lake. White Powell River scenery and fishing and other natural landscape, that is, farms and Mugu Mu Shin Kong Mega scenic fishing are also close to township, from the hostel to these locations as long as 20 minutes, the township can rent a motorcycle. bicycles,
   Donghua University and Taiwan's largest area of ​​tourism training institute, are in boarding houses near the hostel is surrounded by countryside in an independent house, out from the bedroom or the balcony to see the changing seasons are rural, living a very quiet, fresh air, There are 9538 square meters, in addition to the building are trees. flowers, grass and small drains. pond, there are growing vegetables. vanilla. raising chickens, ducks, increasing the vivid images of
   1-4, with a few people can live, prices calculated by a number of bedroom, bathroom and the men and women in the room is divided into a public bathroom of all, there are washing station, a pavilion with tables and chairs for a long friendship. viewing, you can also barbecue. picnics, camping places for a dozen, not even the holiday rate is not high, with taps and electrical sockets,
   Welcome friends all over the world come here to experience the productivity of Taiwan's rural areas, agricultural products. Fishery production process, leading taste idyllic valley, receiving plants. Seawater. Pond. Sunshine. Green fields to bring the fun,
google 翻的 不知道差多少

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2011-5-13 21:50:46 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
本文章最後由 心身活莊園 於 2011-5-16 06:39 編輯

4# Ericg89127

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2011-5-15 21:04:11 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
Google 超越yahoo 有一個重要原因
網路時代 大家還是習慣用自己用語言當關鍵字去搜尋
google 以英文為基礎 翻的還不差
若莊主有要吸引國際客  多國語言這部份可參考
網拓會年底聽說就要推出50國語言的套餐 可留意

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2011-5-16 06:41:39 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
6# Ericg89127

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發表於 2011-5-16 07:49:40 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
個人見解  Sorry
尋找桃花源 (歐娜)

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2011-5-17 18:14:52 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
3# 心身活莊園
孩子在國外多年,很有自己的想法,只要賺點錢就出國去玩或當志工,她都會上網找對自己最有利的玩法,像去年去柬埔寨當志工,她就上網買短期又需轉機的票,雖多花幾個小時,但一下子省了不少錢下來, 這回還跟外國的主辦人吵架到哭,但我想她只要再存一筆錢一定又想辦法找個地方去把它花掉吧,年輕人可能想法與我們不太一樣,參考參考就好.

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2011-5-17 21:00:19 |只看該作者.....載入全部圖片 用LINE傳送 . 分享到FB
9# 胡媽媽

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