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關於以上所提「學術界則有研究證實,火龍果最高的產量在常期保持土壤微濕但不積水的情況下達成」,是根據 "A Review of Hylocereus Production in the United States" http://www.jpacd.org/downloads/Vol5/V5P98-105.pdf :
Although these plants are cacti, they take more water than expected for a typical desert cactus. It must be remembered that they come from areas of high precipitation and humidity. Several papers have mentioned amounts of water given, 150 mm of water per year (Mizrahi and Nerd, 1999), 4 liters per plant per day (Raveh et al., 1997), 5 liters per plant per week in the hot season and 2 liters in the cool season (Lichtenzveig et al., 2000), and 5 liters per week in the summer and 2.5 liters in the winter (Nerd et al., 1999). Raveh et al. (1997) were attempting to keep the topsoil continuously wet. It has been the author's experience (originally suggested in a personal communication with Dr. Avinoam Nerd) that a small amount of water every day is more beneficial to these plants than a larger amount of water less often. They have a very shallow fibrous root system and seem to respond well when the upper portion of the soil is kept continuously moist. The amount of water will depend on the type of soil, but in a sandy soil (decomposed granite) in Southern California young plants responded well to 1 liter per day by drip irrigation. The optimal amount of water still needs to be worked out and it will vary by location, depending on climactic factors as well as soil type. Heavy rains (greater than 1300 mm) will lead to flower drop and fruit rot (Jacobs, 1999), so plantings in heavy summer rainfall areas such as Florida or Hawaii may have reduced yields and crop loss due to rot.
不過要注意的是他們是在加州作的研究,加州是砂質壤土,很難積水。在台灣較常見的黏質土中實驗結果不見得完全一樣,但一般說來也是認為火龍果須定期澆灌,生長會較好,根據顏昌瑞所作「仙人掌紅龍果」,永續農業第 16 期,2002 年 6 月,http://organic.niu.edu.tw/03-production/skill/skill-41.htm 「紅龍果原產於熱帶林,雖能耐旱,但經濟栽培需適度灌溉才能迅速生長及開花結果。比較三種仙人掌,紅肉之H. ployrhizus具有臘質表皮,氣孔隱於皮層及莖有大量之柔膜組織等特徵,白肉之H. undatus只有後二種特徵,黃龍(S. megalanthus)則三者全無,最不耐旱。於冬季較低溫度如定期灌溉,生長極為迅速,如施用堆肥,生長結果更佳。灌溉宜每星期 2 次,如採噴灌自頂向下噴灑可加速生長,且減少病蟲害。」
僅供參考。 |